Chapter 26

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Third party POV-

Rory was 23 weeks pregnant when she felt the baby kick for the first time. The following Friday night she found herself sitting in the Gilmore house, with Lorelai's hand on her belly. "This is silly. She's not gonna kick just because your hand is on my stomach"

"It might happen" Lorelai said "you don't know"

"You're right, I don't know that she's not gonna kick, but I do know that she's pressing on my bladder, so if you'll excuse me..." Rory got up and went to the bathroom.

"Logan, how's business going?" Richard asked

"It's going well" Logan said "nothing special"

"Are you planning to take time off when the baby's born?" Emily asked

He did want to, but he ran the whole company. He wasn't sure that he'd actually be able to fully stop working for any period of time. "I'm not sure I'll really be able to take time off, but I'm gonna delegate as much as I can, and what I have to do, I'll do from home" 

"Did I see somewhere that you acquired a new newspaper?" Richard asked

"Yes. It's just a small paper in Maine, tiny really, but it has potential"

Rory walked back into the room and sat down next to Logan. "You ok?" He put his hand on her knee

"I'm so over that"

"What? Peeing?" Lorelai asked. She knew what Rory meant. "I hate to break it to you, but you're pretty much stuck with that for the rest of your life"

"There is a human being, inside of me, pressing on my bladder, and I'm a little sick of it" Rory said

"It can't be that bad, can it?" Luke said

"How would you know?" Lorelai asked "are you secretly a woman?" She fake gasped "are you actually my wife?!"

"Mom" Rory laughed. Logan smiled

"Lorelai" Emily rolled her eyes

"Very funny, Lorelai" Luke said, sarcastically

"Rory thinks so" Lorelai said

"Seriously, though, it is that bad" Rory said "imagine it taking you over an hour to find a comfortable position, and then just as you're about to fall asleep, you have to pee. That's pregnancy. Plus, you have no control over your emotions, and you're hungry all the time, but a lot of the time, just thinking about eating makes you feel sick"

"Why the hell do people keep having babies?" Luke asked. He'd obviously never been pregnant, but he also never really spent a lot of time around anyone who was.

"The end result is worth it" Lorelai said

"God, I hope so"

Logan's POV-

On Wednesday, Rory had the day off, so she decided she wanted to start getting the nursery ready. In the afternoon, I was sitting in a meeting. A very boring meeting actually. I would rather be at home, with Rory, getting things ready for our baby.

"-and profits are up from the Stamford paper"

"Good" I nodded "what about the one in Tampa"

Before I could get an answer, there was a knock on the conference room door, followed by my assistant, Jackson poking his head in. "I'm sorry to interrupt. Mr Huntzberger, there's a call for you"

"I'm busy, take a message"

"It's your wife" He told me

Panic. My mind was racing. A million possibilities of what could possibly be wrong. I knew that Lane was supposed to be there, but I wasn't sure if she'd gotten there yet.

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