Chapter 11

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AN: the ring

Rory's POV-

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Rory's POV-

I woke up the next morning with Logan's arm around my waist, and him holding my hand. "You know, I like the way that ring looks on your finger" He said. I smiled softly. "Especially when it's the only thing you're wearing" He ran his hand down my bare leg. We didn't usually sleep naked, but we were too lazy to get up last night and then we fell asleep.

"About that, it's snowing outside. Are you not freezing?" I didn't know about Logan but I was actually really cold.

"You're warning me up" he wrapped his arms tighter around me and pulled me closer to him. We laid there for a little while before we had to get ready to head to Connecticut. The plan was to see Mitchum and Shira that afternoon (Christmas Eve) for lunch. Christmas dinner would be at the Gilmore's. We'd sleep in Stars Hollow, at the dragonfly. And then in the afternoon we'd go see my dad and Gigi.

When we arrived at the Huntzberger's, Honor and Josh were already there with Eleanor and Sophie. I was nervous. I'd only seem Mitchum once, in passing, since getting back together with Logan, and I hadn't seen Shira at all. As we walked into the living room, I flipped my ring around so that the stones were on the inside of my hand. If I wasn't scared to lose it I would've taken it off, because I didn't need my finger telling them that we were engaged before we did. I was sitting next to Logan, who had his hand on my knee, rubbing circles on my leg with his thumb. I don't know what it is but he could calm my nerves without even talking.

"So Rory" Mitchum said "I read your article"

"Which one?" I asked. I was definitely a little uncomfortable being there and I was really just hoping that there wouldn't be any yelling.

"The one about the Israeli defense forces" Mitchum said "it was very well written and as far as I could tell, well researched"

"Thank you" Mitchum Huntzberger complementing my work? My how far we've come

"You know, Rory actually spent a few weeks there, doing research for the article" Honor told them.

"How was that?" Mitchum asked

"It was really interesting" I said

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but how does a relatively inexperienced writer get assigned such a big article? As opposed to someone who's been writing for 10, 20, 30 years" Mitchum did have a point. There were writers at the times who'd been there for decades, it would make sense for one of them to do it, right?

"You know what? I had the same thought" I told him "but I guess my record speaks for itself and I have a masters degree and phd in journalism, so maybe that gives me an advantage" it was at this moment that I noticed Shira hadn't said anything since we sat down. I don't know if she had a problem with me or if she just didn't have anything to contribute to the conversation but it was making me nervous.

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