Chapter 27

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Rory's POV-

We were asleep. Logan had his arm around me, with his hand on my belly. Around 1:30am I was woken up by a painful cramping feeling. It felt like the Braxton hicks, but painful. At first I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep, but when it happened again less than 10 minutes later, I realized that I was probably in labor. I moved Boots off my lap and turned around to face Logan. "Logan"

"What's wrong , Ace?" Logan mumbled. He was barely awake.

"I think I'm in labor"

His eyes shot open and he sat up "are you serious?"

"I think so"

He jumped out of bed and started getting dressed.

"What are you doing?"

"Are we not going to the hospital?"

"We're not supposed to go until the contractions are every 5 minutes"

"Are you sure?"


"So now what?"

"Now we go back to sleep for a little bit, because I have a feeling we won't be sleeping for a while "


"Hey" I grabbed his hand "we're gonna have a baby"

"We're gonna have a baby" he put his hand on my cheek and kissed me deeply

Sleeping didn't last much longer and half an hour later we found ourselves in the car, headed to the hospital.

"You're doing great" Logan put his hands on my leg as he drove.

"I hate you" I definitely didn't mean that, and Logan knew it

"I love you too"

"I'm serious. This is your fault. You, and your stupid penis"


When we got to the hospital Dr. Davis was already there. "Hi Rory"


She hooked me up to a fetal monitor and and IV. "I just wanna check how dilated you are"


"It'll take about 30 seconds. You're gonna feel my fingers, and some pressure. It might be a little uncomfortable, but it shouldn't be painful"


Logan's POV-

"Are you ok?"

Rory shook her head, and squeezed my hand. I hated that she was in pain and there was nothing I could really do to help her. I had definitely underestimated how hard it was gonna be for me to watch Rory in pain. It was a little after 8am and we'd been at the hospital since before 3. Things were moving very slowly. "You're doing great, Ace" I kissed her forehead "you need anything?"

"Just for this baby to be out of me"

"You're getting there"

A little while later the doctor came in to check on Rory. "If you tell me I'm still 5 centimeters, I'm gonna cry"

The doctor had been checking on Rory every hour and the last 3 times she was 5 centimeters dilated. Rory was definitely getting impatient, and she was probably serious about crying. In the last few months I'd seen her cry over a lot less.

"6 centimeters"

Rory's POV-

"Nepal" I decided around 2pm that I needed a distraction, so Logan and I were taking turns naming countries in alphabetical order. First one who can't think of one loses. Was it dumb? Yes. Was it passing time? Also yes.

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