Chapter 5

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Rory's POV-

I was at my desk, working, when I saw my mother walk into the newsroom. We had made it a regular thing to have lunch together on Mondays, when she was in the city anyway, getting stuff for the inn.

"Ready?" Mom asked when she reached my desk

"Yeah" I said. I grabbed my stuff and we left the building. We made our way to a small cafe, a few blocks away from the times building where we liked to eat.

"So, how are you doing?" Mom asked me, once we'd sat down and ordered

"I'm fine" it wasn't a lie, I was fine. I was great actually. Things with Evan might've ended badly, but I was looking forward to whatever was happening between me and Logan.

"Are you ready?"

"I promise"

"Ok good, because I have some news from the hollow"

"Ooh, spill" mom and I saw each other twice a week. Monday for lunch, and at Friday night dinner. But Monday was when we did our catching up. It was also when mom would catch me up on everything I missed in Stars Hollow

"Ok, so remember I told you that Taylor wanted to-" mom started to say but then stopped talking


"What is that?" She asked

"What is what?"

"Is that a hickey?" She asked. In that moment it occurred to me that while that might be the only mark mom could see, Logan probably left a few yesterday. I had no idea what to say. It's not that I thought she would judge me for sleeping with Logan, but I felt like it might've been too soon.

"What?" I asked, trying to play dumb. I put my hand over the side of my neck "no it's not"

She grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my neck "Yes it is!" She gasped "you had sex!"

"Say it louder, why don't you?" While I might be unusually open with my mother, I don't need to be open with everyone in the restaurant.

"I know you didn't sleep with Evan because there's no way you would after he cheated on you" mom said. She had a point. I wouldn't "besides I don't think that man is actually capable of leaving a mark like that" again, she's not wrong "rebound sex?"

"I don't know" I said "I guess, but also potentially something more"

"Ok, I need details"

I made a face

"Not those details" my mother rolled her eyes "I wanna know who, when, and where"

"Yesterday. My apartment. And you're not gonna believe the who"

"Ooh, I'm intrigued"

"Paris showed up at my apartment on Saturday and-"

"You had sex with Paris?" She joked, interrupting me.

I ignored the joke and kept talking "she dragged me to a bar where I ran into none other than Logan Huntzberger" I watched mom's eyes get wider "he asked if I wanted to have coffee with him and one thing led to another and well..."

"You had sex with Logan?!" She asked, in shock. I nodded slightly "is that gonna be something? Are you guys getting back together?"

"I don't know" I sighed "I think it's a possibility"

"Do you want to be back together?"

"I don't know mom" that was the truth. As great as it felt to be with Logan, I'd been broken up with Evan for less than a week. I felt like it was too soon to even think about being with someone else. "Do you think it's too soon? Isn't there like an amount of time that you're supposed to wait after a breakup? You know, to be respectful of the  person you broke up with?"

"He didn't even wait until you were broken up to sleep with someone else, so I say do whatever makes you happy, or whoever makes you happy" I made a face a that "and Evan can go fuck himself"

Shocked. 26 years I've been alive and I've never heard my mother use that word. Never.


"I'm being serious" she said "forget about Evan and forget about what anyone else thinks. What's gonna make you happy?"

I don't go into the office on Tuesdays unless there's a reason, otherwise I work on my articles at home. I found myself unable to think about anything other than Logan so I picked up the phone. "I think I'm about to do something stupid, and I need you to talk me out of it"

Half an hour later I was knocking on Logan's apartment door. I was a little worried that I had the wrong address, he had told me where he lived but I was worried I might've remembered wrong.  He opened the door and looked surprised but happy to see me. "Sorry to just show up here like this"

"That's ok" Logan said "come on in"

"I was trying to work on an article, but I couldn't stop thinking about you" I told him as we walked into the apartment and sat on the couch. "I even called Paris, hoping she'd talk me out of it, but she just made a gross joke and said if I wanted to see you that badly I should, so..."

"I'm glad to see you, Ace" Logan smiled "because if I'm being honest, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you either"

"So we're doing this?" I aasked tentatively

"We're doing this" Logan smiled. He put his hand on my leg and started kissing me. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away. He looked at me questioningly

"We're doing this, but I did still just get out of a relationship" I reminded him

"I know"

"I need to take it slow" I said. I didn't mean in the sense of not sleeping together because that ship had already sailed. I meant that I didn't want any pressure on it, which meant not telling his parents or my grandparents that we were back together.

"Slow like this?" He leaned forward and started kissing me again, this time slower than before.

I pulled back "you know that's not what I meant"

He laughed "I know what you meant, Ace"

'Ace' as opposed to last time he called me that when hearing the name had shaken me a bit. This time it felt good, like old times. Comforting. I sit there for just a second before putting my hand on his cheek and gently pressing my lips to his.

As the kissing intensified, we made our way to his bedroom. By the time we got into the bedroom we'd stripped each other of most of our clothes. Logan was in his boxers and I was just in my bra and underwear. Logan walked forward, pushing me back until I hit the bed and fell backwards. He hovered over me, trailing kisses from my lips, to my chest, all the way down until...

Logan's POV-

I laid in bed, holding Rory in my arms when I noticed a mark on her neck, just about her collarbone. "Did I do that?" I asked.

"Yeah" she said with a slight chuckle

"Well, you know, I can do it again if you want" I started gently sucking on her neck, but she pushed me away

"No" she said "No hickeys. I'm not 16. I can't go to work covered in love bites" I laugh a little, remembering how she was the same way in college, telling me to be careful "besides my mom saw it and started asking questions"

"What'd you tell her?" I asked. I didn't know what I wanted her to have told Lorelai, but I didn't like the idea of the first time she heard about me in 3 years being about the things I've done to her daughter.

"I told her the truth" she said

"Like in detail?" I cringed a little thinking about Rory's mother knowing the specifics of what happens in our bedrooms

"No, just that we're kinda starting something again" she said. "She asked if it was the result of rebound sex" she told me with a chuckle

"Is it?" I asked. I wasn't really sure what this was. She just got out of a relationship so it could very well have just been rebound sex for her. I didn't know what she was thinking "...just rebound sex" I added

She turned around to face me.


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