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The Vampire Diaries: 4 x 1

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The Vampire Diaries: 4 x 1


"Wanna go for a ride, Barbie?" Coda jokes, walking into the parlor of the Mikaelson Mansion, where Rebekah's hands flitter over Klaus' drawings while Coda swings his keys in his hand. "Oh, that could be interpreted the wrong way. Not on my dick-in my car. Misery needs company, and what better company could you get than me?"

"I'm quite alright, Coda," Rebekah replies shortly.

Coda blows a raspberry from his lips, his brows rising as he watches Rebekah pick up a painting. "Right, because you're totally not sorrowfully looking at the chicken scratches on card. Have a cookie; helps me."

"I think I'm handling my brother's death quite well, compared to what I know you would do if it were Mel," Rebekah says, choking up a little.

"Fair. I brought Bourbon, if you wan....t." Coda purses his lips when Rebekah releases a sob, throws the picture down, and knocks the rest of them off the table in a fit of rage.

"Oh." Coda scrunches his face up; a flash of a sympathetic expression crosses over his face, but he doesn't move, not knowing how to comfort the grieving Original. He clears his throat. "Well, those poor trees died for nothing."

Rebekah huffs when she feels Damon's presence behind her and Coda. "You should know better than to sneak up on a lady."

Coda turns, sneering at Damon. "Ugh. You. Ew."

"Good advice. Have you seen one?" Damon retorts to Rebekah, then throws the middle finger at Coda as he walks past the brunette.

Rebekah turns to face him. "Tragic about Elena. Not to make a grey cloud greyer, but does Matt even have automobile insurance?" She queries cruelly, making Coda burst out laughing.

"If you and Stewart want quality family movie night, I've got the CCTV footage in 4K," Coda grins.

Rebekah snickers, turning back around.

Coda's eyes widen once he sees Damon pull the indestructible white oak stake from his pocket. The siphon's hand shoots out but finds himself with no magic, while Damon rushes at Rebekah.

The Original grabs his wrist, her other hand wrapping around his neck before she pushes him against a dresser, and they struggle, Damon attempting to overpower Rebekah until the stake falls from the raven-haired vampire's grasp.

Coda rushes forward, going to grab the stake from the floor. Suddenly, bullets start firing into the room, hitting Rebekah in the back multiple times. The Mikaelson stumbles back, breathing harshly and groaning as another bullet is shot into her shoulder, all while Damon vamp-speeds out of the mansion.

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