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Season 3: Episode 21, Before Sunset

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Season 3: Episode 21, Before Sunset


"He asked you to leave with him?"


"And you said yes?"

"Yup." Mel pauses for a beat, sipping on her coffee and wincing at the brightness of the sun to which she pushed her shades further up her nose. "You mad I'm leaving?"

"Seriously? If I had the option to jump the hybrid's bones while overlooking the Eiffel Tower, I'd be in the Mile High Club already."

"Technically, Pyramids. We're going to Egypt."

"Paris, Egypt, who cares?" Caroline turns to the siphon with a pointed look and jabs a finger in her face. "You better call me every day. I mean it."

Mel snorts at the sheer amount of seriousness in the blonde's tone. "Alternatively, you could come with?"


Mel barks out a laugh, "Whatever would I be without you, Ms Forbes."

"Lonely." The blonde teased then groans as her Tyler's name pops up on her phone.

Mel looks over at the caller ID then snorts. "Y'know, you need dump the second-rate asshat. I don't know what you ever saw in him, but your summer fling was supposed to end a while ago. Y'know back when summer ended."

Caroline groaned and rolled her eyes at her phone. "I know, I know. I'll get around to it. Give me a minute."

Mel waves her hand, telekinetically opening the doors to the hall. Rebekah stares at the trash solemnly, unmoving but snaps back as she hears the door open and forcefully shoves empty beer cups into the trash bag. "Hiya, Bex."

"Hi, Mel." She said dryly with a forced smile. Mel frowned.

"Where's Matt?" Caroline voiced loudly as she entered the hall, stopping Mel from questioning the Original.

Rebekah shoves trash into the bin. "He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute."

Caroline's eyes scanned the hall. "Are you kidding me? So, it's just us?"

Mel groaned as she looked at all the trash in the hall. She took a long gulp of her coffee. "Why did I decide help?"

"You didn't. I forced you here with that coffee." Caroline remarks and Mel merely winked and pulled up a chair, sitting down with her legs kicked up onto a table.

"Yes, and you're late. Clean up committee started at eight o'clock." Rebekah snarked at Caroline.

"It's like 8:02." Mel and Caroline replied in unison.

𝐂𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋. niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now