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I smile widely before taking my pinky away and placing my arm back down my side. He pats my shoulder before we start to move forward once more. I never realized how grateful I am to have a family like this, after losing my first family I never thought I would find anyone who could fill their place. But, here I am.

I draw myself out of my thoughts as I see the gates in the distance, a few walkers drag behind us to which we don't pay much attention to. Once we've became closer to Alexandria, I notice Carl's figure in the lookout. For a split second it's there then it's gone, he must've seen me.

"Open the gates!" I hear a voice yell in the distance, Glenn and I pick up our speed so nothing gets in by the time we arrive. I run through the gates first, a pair of arms wrap around my waist and my feet lose their place on the ground.

I laugh as Carl spins me around in the air before setting me back down and letting me regain my footing. He leans down and kisses my forehead before his lips find their home on mine.

"I missed you." He whispers against my lip as he continues to kiss me, while gripping onto my waist tighter. I smile against his lips before pulling myself away, I place my hand on his cheek and use my thumb to rub his cheekbone.

"I missed you too." I whisper before Glenn taps my shoulder earning a small glare from Carl. I pull away from his embrace and turn my entire body to face Glenn.

"Sorry bud. I need to borrow her again." Carl groans in reply, before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me back until my back hits his chest. "I promise after this she's all yours." Glenn reassures.

Carl leans down and kisses the top of my head before releasing me from his grasp. I move over and stand beside Glenn before turning around and facing Carl.

"I have a surprise for you when I get back." I say with a smile before turning around and following Glenn. We walk around until he drags me into a house.

"Tara?" He asks while looking around, I jump slightly when she appears behind us. Glenn laughs a little before we turn and face her simultaneously.

"Yo." She says as she lifts up her fist, I lift mine up giving her a fist bump followed by Glenn's. "What do you guys need? I was about to go see Denise." She says pointing at the door with her thumbs.

"Denise went on a run. So, while she's gone we need you to do something for us. It should keep you occupied until she gets back." I reply as I hold up my necklace and showcase off my baseball bat charm.

She leans down and examines the necklace before leaning back up and letting me continue. "Do you think you can like weld a baseball and a baseball glove charm for necklaces? Or well whatever you do." I say looking at her hopefully.

Glenn digs out the necklaces he had found at the store and places them in her hands. She nods her head while smiling. "Sure thing punk. Come back in like an hour or so. Shouldn't take me that long." She assures before walking away holding the necklaces up as she continue to examine.

I look over at Glenn before we both start to laugh. He ruffles up my hair like usual before pushing me towards the door. "Go see your lover boy." He teases, as he opens the door for me.

"Yeah yeah. Go see your lover girl. Tell her about the necklaces." I say as I walk out and wave to him as he walks a different direction. I quicken my pace as I notice Carl talking to Rick, this was my chance to tell Rick myself I want to go with them tomorrow. But, once more I was too late as Rick was already walking off and I had earned Carl's attention once more.

I smile softly as I take off my backpack and hold it in front of me towards him. "Open and look what I got you." I say excitedly, he looks at with with caution as he grabs my bag and opens it. His eye widens as he looks between me and the comic books.

"No fucking way. How did you find this many?" He says as he digs them out and hands me back my now empty bag. I laugh as I hold my bag against my chest and watch him look at his comics like a child on Christmas morning.

"The place we rummaged through had them off in a corner they were never opened." I reply as I watch him read the plastic off as he grabs one of the comics out and looks at the front then back.

He leans down and kisses me surprisingly before slowly pulling away leaving my lips lingering for more. "You're the best girlfriend ever." He mumbles to himself. "Let's take these to the house and put them in our room." I nod my head before putting my bag on my back and making him set the back in there for me to carry.

I notice out of the corner of my eyes the gates opening, I take my bag off my back and hand it to Carl. "Hey go ahead and take this back, I'll be there shortly I need to talk to Denise." I say smiling before pushing Carl along.

I take in notice of Daryl, Rosita, and Abe walking in. I raise my eyebrows as I notice them carrying in a body, I walk closer to take a look and notice it's Eugene. I widen my eyes and run over to them, frantically looking for Denise as well who must've ran off before I caught glimpse of her.

"What the hell happened!" I scream earning the attention from other as I grab onto Eugene and help them carry him to the infirmary. They all stay quiet as we run through the door and lay him down on the bed. I look around for Denise who would most likely be running through here with her medical supplies. "Where's Denise?" I ask once some more people come in and start to doctor Eugene.

Daryl and Rosita look at each other as Abe walks back out the door. I cross my arms over my chest waiting for some sort of explanation. Daryl holds the strap from his crossbow and looks at me with his icy blue eyes.


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