❄️🌕🥀🫐Chapter 05🫐🥀🌕❄️

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"Who attacked them?" Caveshadow demanded to know with a loud voice

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"Who attacked them?" Caveshadow demanded to know with a loud voice.

Several cats were joining him. "Should we leave in constant fear in our own territory?" Foliagemist stood up and glared at Hailstar. Her tortoiseshell fur began to ruffle.

"What if it was a cat of another Clan who injured them?" Stormpaw asked challengingly with his long, slender tail lashing. "What if it was a RoseClan cat? They cannot be trusted." At the last words, he turned his head back and looked at Fruittail firmly.

The she-kit unsheathed her claws. Why is that flea-ridden piece of dirty crowfood looking at her like that? Teeth clenched, Larkkit stared at Stormpaw and wished his nest would be spiked with thorns tonight.

Suddenly she got poked into the side. Larkkit flinched. "Stop staring so hard! It looks really weird," Sandblossom whispered.

Larkkit tensed. "Of course. I'm sorry."

"Be quiet now!" Swallowfern, who was listening closely, hissed abruptly. "I want to hear what they're saying."

"Sorry again," Larkkit squeaked as quietly as she could and closed her eyes to calm herself down. She was still mad at Stormpaw. His behaviour didn't make any sense. Even though he had always been an annoying tom, he still had enough decency to be respectful. The way he talked bad about RoseClan while the RoseClan medicine cat was residing in the camp didn't sit right with Larkkit. Maybe he's just worried about Heatherpaw and Mapleblossom.

The protests grew louder and louder, each cat meowing something. Some of them had their pelts fluffed up, while they were looking around suspiciously, as if they expected danger to arose in camp.

Hailstar jumped to his paws. "Calm down!" he hissed, but no matter how loud his voice was, it still drowned in the howls of MoonClan. "We won't get answers if you're behaving panicky like this. I will promise you that we will start looking for those responsible soon enough. But you've seen what they did to Mapleblossom and Heatherpaw. We must be careful."

Brightcloud bared her teeth. "My daughter was injured and you expect from us to calm down?" The brown warrior turned her head around. "Are you seriously okay with this? Every moment we waste by talking—"

"Stop that!" Nightblossom finally ordered before Hailstar could intervene. "Have you forgotten what our principles are? There will be no fighting here, and certainly not against Clanmates." The deputy looked just as angry as the rest of the Clan, but she also knew she wouldn't get answers that way.

I admire her for that. At that moment, Larkkit forgot her dislike of Nightblossom for a short while.

The black she-cat's announcement seemed to have had its effect, for the MoonClan cats gradually calmed down, even if there were still low growls here and there. Brightcloud, too, slowly settled down again, but her fur was still fluffed up and she was tense.

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