❄️🌕🥀🫐Chapter 25🫐🥀🌕❄️

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Don't reveal what you're going to do next

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Don't reveal what you're going to do next.

Larkpaw stared at a point in the distance, past Silversky. In reality, she wanted to catch his shoulder or leg. Once she had him stumbling, it would be easy to bring him down.

With her hind paws planted in the ground, Larkpaw dashed forward. Her paws touched his chest instead. Overwhelmed because her original plan hadn't worked, she didn't know what to do next, and froze in place.

That was a mistake. Silversky jumped back so that Larkpaw hit the ground lengthways. It didn't hurt, but the shock numbed her. At the last moment, she remembered the most important rule: always keep moving.

But she reacted too slowly. Silversky rushed forward and pinned her to the ground.

Instead of trying to free herself, Larkpaw lay there like a wet leaf. How am I ever supposed to become a sensible fighter? She realised that there were still many strenuous training sessions ahead of her that would be just like this.

Silversky sat up. "What did you do wrong?"

Larkpaw snorted and pressed herself deeper to the ground. "I was overwhelmed because nothing went my way," she rattled off.

It was stupid of her to think that her plan was perfect. She had learnt by now that nothing ever went perfectly.

"But you're never this unfocussed." Silversky tilted his head. "Are you alright?"

He was right. Larkpaw was feeling particularly distracted today. She wanted to make an effort, but her thoughts kept wandering. Last night, she could hardly sleep because she kept thinking about Smallblotch and Shrewstalk.

Silversky nudged her up and returned to his old position. It seemed he wasn't going to let her give up so easily. "Try again," he meowed. "Eventually you'll know what to do in situations like the one we just had."

It would be pointless to object. So Larkpaw started a new attempt. This time she really wanted to aim for Silversky's shoulder. Somehow she had the feeling that she would have more success with that than jumping at him directly.

But at the last moment, Silversky turned away. Larkpaw was prepared for that, though. Determined not to be thrown off course again, she landed on all four paws, pranced back and this time dashed towards Silversky's other flank. Then she leapt up, spinning in the air and throwing herself against Silversky's flank on the original side.

Yes, it worked! Larkpaw purred with joy when Silversky finally toppled over. "How was I?" she asked, taking care not to shift her weight so that Silversky couldn't break free and launch another attack.

"You see, if you concentrate, you can do it." Silversky flicked his tail.

Larkpaw jumped up and pranced excitedly on her paws. Suddenly she felt as if lightning was shooting through her body. Maybe I can do something after all. "Can we do that again?"

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