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I woke up to not finding riley in her bed. I thought she just went to the bathroom, or to get a glass of water. I went downstairs and didn't see her. Where is that girl?

"Riley?" No response.  "Riley!" Still nothing. I knocked on Mike's door.

"Oh hey" he said rubbing his eyes.

"Mike wheres Riley?" I asked.

"I dont know was she not with you?" he replied.

"No no no! I-she wasn't in her bed! Where is she!" I yelled.

"Calm down" it was Brandon. I buried my face in his chest. I quickly dressed and fot in the car.

"Im telling you officer! She is nowhere to be found!" I yelled.

"Look, ma'm we'll do our best to find her" the officer said calmly.

With that I left and went into the room I was sleeping in. I saw a small note and picked it up. I quickly left to the car with the note in hand.
-What the note says-
I have your daughter. If you want her find me in the abandoned amusment park on 1354 Ark Park. DO NOT bring anyone with you.

Heres the chapter guys! Now that its summer I'll be updating more often, since I have nothing to do.

Do you mind checking out my new stories:
Without You Whats the Point of Existing?
13 year old Michelle and her mother have been abused by Michelle's father, after an accident he dies and Michelle lives a normal life.

Until, she meets 15 year old Vincent.

Vincent adores Michelle in a way no else makes him feel. Yet, Michelle has feelings for her friend, Brandon.
What'll happen when Vincent fights for Michelle's love? Its a choice in between life...and death.

And, my other story:
Humanity's Strongest Soldier
When Maia thinks she loses everything she meets Captain Levi.
When she joins the survey Corps. she at first despised him, but later on developed feelings for him.
Will Levi feel the same?
READ TO FIND OUT M*@!%$#&+:3?$
Just kidding. I love you guys :3

Just go check them out pls! Thnx!

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