Leave us

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I was astonished to see Vincent standing at Riley's bed with Riley's head in his arms and a knife in the other. I ran towards Riley but as soon as I started to run, Vincent put the blade at Riley's neck. As I got closer he pushed the blade down. I could see small trickles of blood dripping onto the blade. Without thinking, I slapped the blade out of Vincent's hand and pinned him down. I growled.

"YOU LEAVE US ALONE!" I yelled. He laughed and kicked me off. Riley had her head in her hands. Vincent walked towards me and pinned me against the wall. He forecfully kissed me. I managed to kick him hard enough for him to brake a bone. He had a smile on his face and looked as if he was enjoying it. I yelled for doctors and they came rushing in. As soon as they got in here, Riley was in Vincent's hands and was running with her. I jolted up. Just a nightmare. Phew. As I later took a stroll through the hospital they let Riley take a stroll as well. She looked at me scared, sad, angry, and miserably. Her smile and laugh were gone.

She spoke up. "Mom, because of me, my father is on death row..."

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