Forgiveness is nothing I know

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I woke up in a hospital room. Ugh my head hurts. I felt as if my wrists were bieng burned, and my abdomen was bieng punctured over and over. I jolted straight up.

"WHERES MY DAUGHTER?!" I yelled A nurse rushed in.

"Mam, your daughter has minor injuries, but we are paying lots of attention to he-" I interrupted her.

"I NEED TO SEE HER!" I yelled. The woman grabbed something and punctured it in my arm. Everything went black. I was stuck. Couldn't move. 'Miss' my eyes widened. "Its you!" It was the same small girl. The one Vincent killed. 'Miss I gave your daughter a second chance with life' "what?" 'Your daughter was close to dying, but I gave her a second chance.' "Thank you!" I could move my arms and neck. 'Your husband, on the other hand...' "what about him?!" 'Hes on death row. He killed 5 of my friends' I tore up. "What?! NO!" 'Im sorry but.... Its true, miss' I moved my legs and hugged the small girl. "Thank you for everything" I opened my eyes again and was still in the hospital.

"So Vincent killed five kids?" I questioned. I heard a scream. Riley's scream. "RILEY!" I unplugged everything on me and ran outside until I reached Riley's room. I couldn't believe what I saw.

((Yes thats the admin in the picture. Im fugly))

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