chapter 21

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Warning contains endeavour, fuyumi, natsuo, mentions of blood, mentions of weapons, transporhobia, knife, burning, use of a dead name

If you can't handle or don't like any of these, please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers. Thank you

No one's p.o.v

"So, what's up?" Shoto asked, thinking this talk was about eri

Oh, how wrong he was.

"Shoto, I did a solo, Misson, in your house."

Shotos's heart dropped.....Mission... in his home.

"Oh?" Was all Shoto said as he held back pure panic.

"Shoto, I have evidence that tells me you live in an unsafe environment, am I correct?" Shoto and Aizawa both knew that Aizawa was right, but Shoto had to deny it.

"You are not correct, sir. What gave you that idea?" Shoto had to hope he plays his cards right here, or he will be taken away, and his pain will be worse.

"Shoto, I found an abundance of weaponry and, blood in your home basement, you and I both know that endeavour does not use any sort of weaponry during battles, I know you know what I'm going to say next"

Shoto took a breath

"My brother, is interested in weapons and collects them. As for the blood, I do not know where it came from"

"Right... but the weapons had blood dripping off them."

He was fucked

"Then I do not know, Mr Aizawa."

Aizawa and Shoto both knew that Aizawa knew Shoto was lying

"Shoto, this is a safe space you can tell me anything. I'm not going to judge you. "

Shoto knew he could trust his teacher; Aizawa was such a nice teacher towards him.

Shoto suddenly thought of a lie, and he knew if he did it right....he could make Aizawa stop chasing his tail.

"My older brother started a hunting course, and he forgets to clean his weapons, it started after we lost our oldest brother and our mother, he had so many emotions and he bottled them up and so he took up hunting to let out his emotions" shoto half lied.

Yes, some of the weapons were natsuos, and he did forget to clean them, and he does hunt Natsuo hunts, and shoto is the prey every time.

"Right... I still don't believe you."

"I know, and I completely understand."

"You are free to go todoroki,  but don't be afraid to ask for help."

"I won't" Shoto then bid his teacher goodbye and left the room.

Aizawa knows shoto todoroki was lying, and he was going to get to the bottom of this situation, and he was going to do it even if it killed him.

During Shoto's walk to the dorms his hands were shaking, his thoughts were running 1000 mph, and his teacher was on to him and his family.....its already bad that Aizawa knows he is transgender, but now about the abuse and the possible rape....what was he going to do!?

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