Chapter 15

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Warning contains a hospital, mentions of bandages mentions of blood, mentions of broken ribs, mentions of transpobia, mentions of fire burns, mentions of ice burns, mentiosn of bruises, ambulance, mentions of being under weight, mentions of a feeling tube, mentions of a breathing mask, mentions of a heart moniter, mentiosn of a IV, mentions of blood bags, mentions of surgery, lying, unsafe binding.

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out.thank you

No one's p.o.v

Bakugo felt like there was something off as he held his unconscious lover.

He felt......light.....too light.

"Oi, im taking him to the old lady, make sure everyone's noses especially dekus out of this business"

"Will do, keep me updated"

"I will"

The two then exetid todorokis dorm.

But of course when they went downstairs of course everyone had to be there, and they all looked at the three, especially the unconscious one.

"Kacchan what did you do?"

"I didn't do shit you nerd" bakugo said as he headed to the main school bulding.

"Kirishima what happend?"

"Yeah bro?"

Everyone started to ask

"Well we went to todorokis dorm to check up on him...and to give him back some note I borrowed, when we got their he didn't look so good, but he refused to rest, and the all of a sudden he was freezing cold and he passed out" kirishima explained, leaving out some details

"Damn, I hope he's ok"

"Me too"

"We should go see him"

"Mina is right"

"You cant, he might get Iver whelmed, we just have to wait and hear what happens" everyone agreed and went back to whatever They were doing befoer.

When bakugo made it the nurses office he didn't bother knocking, instead he just walked in and placed his small lover on an empty bed

"Yes?" The short woman asked watching bakugo be gentle?

"Hes freezing cold, sweating, pale, coverd in bandaged and light as shit" recovery girl walked over and did a quick check-up on the teen

"I see. Thank you for bringing him here, now please leave so i can treat him" Bakugo nodded and left the room, he sat in the corridor waiting for the news on his lover.

The old woman cut todorokis shirt and pants to get to the wounds, when the clothed were cut off the two of them were greeted by blood soaked bandages

"Its worse then I thought" she then cut the bandaged on his legs, arms, neck, thighs, stomach and the bandage on his chest.

As soon as she took the bandage off hus chest, she saw thatbhe was immediately breathing a little better

She then looked at the array of fire and ice burns, bruises, kick marks and it looked like the poor boy had alteast 2 broken ribs.

She couldent fully treat him yet so she made a phone call

"Hello, this is recovery girl, at UA we have a student with burns from both fire and ice, punch marks, moot marks, he has a bug bruise under his neck, he had a few bruises around his abdomen, he has at least two broken ribs, he's sweating but he's cold and he is severely underweight"
"Yes his name is shoto todoroki, yes I know on his records it says female but his parents are not call his father whatever, yes I will call a trusted colleague."

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