Chapter 12

421 9 13

Warning contains mentiosn of blood, mentions of someone passed out, talk about binders, crying mentions of knives,mentions of being lifeless, mentions of blood bag, mentions of IV, mentions of being stalked,
Mentions of pills

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out.thank you

No one's p.o.v

When they got there they were all shocked to see a blood coverd, passed out, half dead todoroki.

Some of the students screamed, some stood there in shock and others tried to help.

"Iida go get aizawa and recovery girl, mina and uraraka you take eri away and calm her down. Midorya and ojiro go and get the med kit, bakugo and kirishima go and get him some clean clothes and the rest of you will help him as much as we can" momo instructed, everyone nodded and did as they were instructed.

Eri struggled against minas grip but she eventually got out and ran towards todoroki lifeless body.

"Eri you have to go sith mina and uraraka" momo said to the child

" I want to stay with sho-sho to help him get better" eri cried

"I'm sorry eri b-" just then iida, aizawa and recovery girl came in

Recovery girl rushed to the boy in the floor as midorya and ojiro arrived with the med kit.

Bakugo and kirishima looked through todorokis draws, that his when bakugo spotted the box of knives hidden in the draws.

"We are so gonna have a talk with shoto" bakugo said as he hid the knives again and got a large hoodie and a loose shirt, whil kiri got pants.

The two then left the room to see aizawa trying to comfort eri.

Kirishima dropped what he was holding and ran over, he then knelt infront of eri and aizawa

"I'm guessing she wants to stay with todoroki?" He asked already knowing the answer

"Mhm, but she can't, not while he's like this" aizawa said

"Hey eri" kirishima spoke softly catching eris attention "why don't we go and make todoroki a card to help him get better" eri nodded and let kiri lead her away from the area.

Recovery girl did the best she could while she had so little to work with.

"I'm going to need someone to carry him to my office" the little woman spoke

"Bakugo, you carry him"

"What why me?!" Bakugo wanted to carry him but he has to act like he dosent want to.

"Fine, I'll take him" aizawa said carefully picking up todoroki.

"Watch over eri" the teacher siad as he left with todoroki and recovery girl.

When they made it to recovery girls office, aizawa lay the passed out teen on the gurney and let recovery girl do her stuff, but as she removed the large bandage on his chest, they were shocked to see that todorokis chest is quite large, aizawa looked away wanting yo respect todorokis privacy.

As recovery girl looked, assessed and healed his wounds the more she figured out that.....todoroki is acctually a girl.

"Shota you will have to have a talk with todoroki as I have found out that he is actually a she" recovery girl says as she writes some notes down

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