Chapter 20

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Warning contains self harm, panic attack, physically abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, knives, blood, mentions of injuries, mentions of scars, midorya, flinching, fire

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out. Thank you

No one's p.o.v

Days passed and aizawa started to think he was right about this whole situation.

He took notes of when todoroki stayed at home the next day in class he looked absolutely horrible.

Since it was a Friday aizawas students were sent to train with all might and midnight.

Aizawa however went to the todoroki residence there he was shocked to see that there was no one home.

Aizawa quickly disabled all the todoroki residents cameras and alarms so that there wasn't any evidence of him going in the home, he then managed to enter the house as aizawa knew how to pick locks.

When aizawa enterd the house and looked arround, nothing seemed to be too out of the ordinary.

He kept looking round on the brink of giving up but then he saw a trail and followed it.

The trail led to a room, when aizawa got to the room he opens the door, when he opens the door he saw....

"Did you see the way midobro fight the bot?"

"Yeah but did you see what yaomomo made"

"Oh yeah but did you see sero in action"

Everyone kept talking about how grate everyone was as they left the changing room the go back to class, todoroki hung back in the changing rooms, he hated getting changes infront of people due to his injuries, scars and the obvious his chest.

Kiri and bakugo hung back eating for their lover, however, midorya stopped walking with his group.

"Deku what's up" uraraka asked as she turned to her crush

"I left my left sock in the changing room, I better go get it" and with that midorya ran back tonto the changing rooms.

Just as midorya arrived in the changing room, todoroki just put on his trousers.

"Shoto~" todoroki didn't even need to turn arround to know who called his name

"Its todoroki to you, midorya"

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