chapter 18

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Warning contains throwing up, eating, food, blood, cutting, suicidal thoughts, panic attack, razorblades, crying, endeavour, fuyumi, natsuo, negative thoughts, shouting, name calling, mentions of training, dead name, misgendering, basement.

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out. thank you

No one's p.o.v

Days passed and shoto was released from the hospital was under strict supervision by aizawa,recovery girl, his boyfriends and eri. He was also on alot of medication for his pain.

It was finally Thursday, present mic and aizawa arrived at the todoroki house hold.

Aizawa noticed that this time he could see that the curtains were open this time, he mentally made notes.

Mic then knocked on the door, soon they were greeted by a woman with whitebhair that had a few red patches in, she wore glasses, a purple turtle neck, leggings and an apron.

"Hello can I help you?" She asked

"Evening, is endeavour in by any chance?" Aizawa asked

"Yes sir, please come in" she said opening the door for the two pros to enter the bulding. Once thebmen were in the house she shut the door and ran off to find her father and brothers.

"Mr aizawa, present mic do come and sit down" shoto said as he walked over to his teachers

"Lead the way" and with that shoto lead his teachers to the living room where the three of them sat on the sofa.

After a few secconds enji,natsuo and fuyumi were in the living room.

"Eraser,mic Welcome to the todoroki house hold" endeavour said as he spied his youngest daughter with the other two pros.

"Thank you for the welcome, now we want you four to act like you usually would in your everyday life and just pretend we are not here:

"Ok, befoer we begin, you alredy met shoko since she goes to ua. To my right is my oldest fuyumi and too my left is my middle child natsuo" endeavour said.

Shoto deflated jn the inside at the sound of his dead name but played it off.

Mic opend his mouth to say something but caught sight of his husbands side glare.

"Its lovely to meet you both fuyumi and natsuo"

"Likewise present mic" the two oldest todoroki children spoke at the same time.

"Now we shall begin the inspection" the todorokis nodded and went their separate ways.

Once they were out of the room hizashi turned to his husband

"Shoko?" He asked

"Ill explain later just go along with it. Now you watch fuyumi and natsuo. I'll watch shoko and endeavour" aizawa spoke


The two then went to find who they were going to watch over first.

Hizashi walked into tue kitchen and saw fuyumi cooking and giggling to some sort of story natsuo was telling her, the blond pro mood somewhere out of the way and he began to take notes.

Occasionally hizashi chuckled and smiles as he heard natsuos story.

However aizawa was stood in the training room watching endeavour train. Aizawa then took his notes and then went to find his student.

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