Chapter 19

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Warning contains mentions of abuse,lying, midorya, mentiosn of natsuo,fuyumi and endeavour

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out. Thank you

No one's p.o.v

Days passed aizawa noticed todorokis behaviour in class, he noticed how todoroki limped alot, he saw poor makeup cover up, poorly hidden bandages, they way todoroki zoned out in and out of class, the way the teenager flinched when someone spoke and or touched him. Aizawa began to worry, he knew it was time to do a Misson only he knew about.

It was currently lunchtime, aizawa was in the office making a plan in his kind for the evening.

"SHOTAAAAAAA" Aizawa thoughts where inteupted by his husband

"Yeah hizashi?" He asked looking over at husband

"Wanna go out?"

"Where to?" Aizawa asked

"The cafe Down the road" sure aizawa had alot on his mind and it was school hours....but a little lunch date with the love of his life couldent hurt

"Lets go" aizawa said standing and putting his scarf on.

Hizashi chuckled and held the door open for his lover. Aizawa walked through the door smiling.

The two then decided to walk to the cafe cause it was more romantic and the preferd walking over driving most of the time.

When they made it, they went and ordered.

Aizawa got a black coffee and a ham and cheese sandwich while hizashi got a chi tea and ham and cheese sandwich aswell.

The two got ther food and sat in a corner near the window.

"This is nice, thank you zashi"

"You're welcome, darling"

The two smiles smiles started to eat.

Once there food was halfway eaten hizashi decided to ask.

"My dearest raven, is something bothering you? You've seemed a little different since we went to the todoroki house"

Aizawa had no words, he dident know what to say....was he that obvious that some was wrong.

"I....I" he stopped not finding the right words

"Dear you don't have to tell me, I'm just worred"

"I know zashi, I want to tell you I really want to, but I have to confirm I am right instead of lying"

"I understand, take your time" the jet back haired man nodded.

The two then continued to enjoy their lunch together.

Shoto went and sat on the roof away from his worries. He had not brought lunch, he wasnt hungry he never was.

He sat on the edge of the roof.

'What if I just jumped now, no one would care' he thought to himself.

'Do it, no one would care'

'I know'

'No one like you, and once the truth comes out about you, shoko they will hate you even more'

'I know'

'And then when people say you had sex, Katsuki and Eijiro will be discusted with the fact that you have been sleeping with alot of older men!'

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