040 // What a twist. (Finale)

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this is it. I'm finally giving some lore to y'all.

Also I got kokomi in time for Fontaine and I love the teaser!

This will be a longer chapter.


"The general who fell from the sky? That sounds like a dumb title." I mumble to myself but something inside me is begging me to read it.

"Fine, I'll give in and read it." I say before Turing to the page where the chapter starts.


The general who fell from the sky,
By daiZbX:$&jsb

The General who fell from the sky is a powerfull myth, one about the greatest general who ever graced khanriah with their wit.

One night a beautiful star shone above the light, and landed on the seas of khanriah. Their H/C hair covered their eyes, and their fingers made light imprints on the sand.

The night the town saw the star, a young woman ran up to them, and carried them with their own bare hands into their home. Her golden hair matched with the generals color when they came down from the sky.

This strange person wasn't from khanriah either, and they traveled far and wide with another young man, with his duty as a captain very clear. Him and the General from the sky became very close, but not as close as the blonde who carried the general from shore. They finished their journey and ended up finding secrets of the world that were untold.

Over time the general became a local, and made connections with the higher council, they protected children with the blonde lady, and made sure to care for their own friendship with others.

It was said that they even gave the 'Captain' a bigger job, 'by pulling some strings' as they called it.

Soon, the great war started.

The general from the sky's fighting skills were unmatched, and they gave weapons of their creations to those who needed it. The leaders of our home saw their great strength and gave them the title 'General.' 

With their weapons and their newfound duty, the General was applauded and was praised for their work, but there was still a war going on, and the General from the sky couldn't be everywhere at once. They were never as frequent visiting smaller towns anymore, but they sent weapons frequently from their 'lab'

Soon not many people saw the General from the sky, and it was just rumours that circulated from around khanriah. These rumours are where they got the title, General from the sky.

The war was still going on, but smaller towns were losing resources.

One night, a pale white glimpse of white flashed around a smaller town, a person who had the same H/C hair and E/C eyes as the General from the sky.

They have materials and gifts to smaller towns, including weapons for protection and many meals and packaged foods.

This white flash was called the blinding light, as it was as quick as it came, and it traveled far and wide. It seemed to have a connection with water, and it controlled it like it was nothing, providing fresh water for children.

This blinding light was told in some places as a goddess, a spirit or a God. Everyone was certain about something though.

It looked like the General from the sky.

After the war ended, and the city of khanriah lost, The General form the sky revealed their name to the nation.


Everyone was distraught about the aftermath though, because the next morning.. The general from the stars was found dead. Stabbed with a crimson shard with crimson piercing from their veins. Red cubes were shattered everywhere, as a reminder that the war was finished. A small flower was placed on their chest, a white one that looked similar to the blonde that once carried.. Y/n from the shore.

This final loss sent the blonde into dismay, and left her inside outside along the beach where The General..who we now know is Y/n and her first met.

The last words of the captain of the sky that were recorded were.

"will we meet again?"

I drop the book, mouth agape.

It's not possible.. right? It can't be.
I'm.. im the General from the stars? That's insane.

"Nonononono.." I mumble before everything goes black.

I wake up in that same black space, but this time, I'm back inside my outfit that looks similar to a Fontaine one.
"My.. My outfit." Y/n:$Yn mumbles.

"Is this.. m3?!&&@." They ask in dismay.

Suddenly I hear a voice.

"So, do you remember what happened 500 years ago?" A sweet and delicate voice replies.
Suddenly I get another flashback.

That girl, who saved me.. the general form the sky.. that girl was.

"l-LUMINE?" I cry out before she appears and I hug her.

"Oh.. Y/n." She replies before tears stream down her face.

"Your, your not here anymore.. you're not real." She replies pushing away. She starts to walk back before I reply.

"Nono!! I am real, it's me.. please come back." I say before she stops in her tracks.

"It.. it can't be.. you were gone for 500 years.." she says as I run up to her.

"ITS ME!! PLEASE.. please.." I say before her eyes light up again.

"Is it? Y-y/n.. your.. back?" She says and we both hug, I hold the back of her head as tears stream down both our eyes.

"It's me! Oh I missed you so much.." I say and she just hugs me tighter.

"I'm happy your back, Y/n." She says before I suddenly wake up.

"W-was that all a dream?"


L-l-l LORE DROP!! It's chapter 40 and I love LUMINE. You know what else I love? You guys for reading this book.

I'm so proud of it and I'm happy you all like it too.

Proud to say that I've reached chapter 40 and over 15K

Will Y/n have a new goal? Is there history with LUMINE she hasn't uncovered? Will LUMINE and Y/n make out? Find out next time on..

Wait, will there be a next time?


This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )Where stories live. Discover now