030 // SPECIAL CHAPTER: drunk dreaming.

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This special chapter will be based after a a spin wheel of sumeru characters, and the winner would have this chapter all to themself. The winner was babygirl (scaramouche) so here's just a a few mentions before it starts.

Things to know when reading this chapter and onward:

•This is Pre- sumeru storyline! So scaramouche will be being turned into a god right now.

•Y/n has played through the story, so they know what will happen.

•Any choice of characters would have effected the story in different ways, so if I got Nilou or DEHYA the story would have adapted to that! So that's why things might look a little random or put together quickly.

I hope you like this special chapter, and here's a milestone gift-> 🎂


After after I enter Kaveh and alhaithams shared home, I look around.

This looks quite different to the game! There's a more distinguished theme on what thing Alhaitham and Kaveh own.

"Wow nice decor princess kaveh" I say and he just smiles.

"You like it? I mean of course you like it.. I made it! And I'm happy you can actually tell where my beauty lies when decorations come into play." He says dramatically and I just roll my eyes.

Alhaitham seems to notice and whispers something to Kaveh before Kaveh turns over to him and starts yelling.

"Hmm.. I'll just leave you two to that." I say and head over to their kitchen.

I can see that they have decorations in here too! And While Kavehs chosen ones look majestic.. poor old alhaithams got some 'okay' taste.

I hear some stomping footsteps and I see Kaveh fuming, before starting to feel calmer and walking up to me.

"that ugly bitch." He mumbles and I just laugh.

"so true" I say and he just smiles before handing me a bottle of wine.

"I just can't believe that jerk! He's such a cunt." Kaveh says before bringing out two LARGE wine glasses and filling both to the top.

"For real." I say and he just nods and I swear I see smoke coming out his ears or something.

"Anyway.. (deep breath) sorry for arguing infront of you! I just 'spoke' with alhaitham and he's gonna go get the materess ready." Be says before taking a long sip.

"Damn princess kavehs got a high tolerance." I tell him before I chug some wine. I finish off my 'sip' of wine and then I continue.

"Thanks though dude." I say before we high five.

"No prob. And I hope that this wine isn't too strong." He says and I just look at the bottle.

I see the tag "5% achohol" and I turn to Kaveh.

"This shit is fucking weak." I say before he smiles and yells: "YESS Y/N THANK GOD YOU SAID THAT." Before grabbing a HUGE bottle of wine and then putting a small leaf ontop of our newly poured wine.. before getting a FLAMETHROWER and lighting it on fire.

This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )Where stories live. Discover now