005 // Seems like a problem

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"Aggh what a nice rest, oh wow I didn't realise it's been a few hours... it's super dark out."
I says before yawning and starting to get up and see if I can spot mondstat.

I look around and I realise a note was left next to me, it reads the following.
"Do not let anyone find you while you're sleeping, It's not safe.

- DR"

Wow, they couldn't even write their actually name. Well Atleast they care. I wonder who has the initials DR- oh my god.
I mean he could have done that, but there's still a low chance.
Anyways I should get on with my travels.

I go around and try to get used to the polearm in my own hand while I'm walking, and it works! Which is kinda surprising but I WONT take it for granted.
As I'm walking I see a hydro slime, so like the smart and calculated person I am, I charge at it.
"HAAAAH" I yell super loudly because that's what all the characters tell when they charge at something, but then I just jab the slime and look at its level...
Level 50.
IM LEVEL 15... uh oh.

The slime instantly turns to me and I realise that it's not just one, it's 10.

"OHhjwjaj" I yell and look around, no one's there. I pull out my polearm and shove it into the slime, just to see the damage I've done turn out to be... 73 damage.

I thought my stats were good?? But my skill and glitching aren't that leveled up..

Suddenly, as if it's killer instincts, I duck down, I gasp as a slime bounces above me, and I narrowly dodge it. This must be that sneaking thing. I sigh as I can't really fight the slimes, so I might aswell just run away.

Such is the life of a past schemer, running away is their speciality.

But before I could do that I get slammed ontop of by a hydro slime, leaving me to drop my weapon and realise that I still have to be smart.

"Not today motherfucker" i yell before punching the slime and seeing it disappear.

Oh my god. my punches are super strong! Maybe I don't even need a weapon, not for close combat Atleast.

I go over and grab my weapon, and stab 3 slimes, cutting them in half. I'm confused for a second, Wasnt I just doing 73 damage? What's happening?

Eh, might aswell use it to my advantage.I grin with bloodshot eyes and charge towards the other slimes, then 2 more were down, making the four remaining ones my main target.

I shove my polearm into another one, and I see some slime condsenate drop down.
I'll have to remember to collect that.
I turn to the two slimes bunched together, and roundhouse kick them, but the thing is, I cant roundhouse kick?? Is this a new skill? I'll have to check later. After I kick them with my newfound skill, it takes one jab at both of them and they disappear.

One slime is remaining, and I can see it's outline of where it's going to fall go ontop of me.

I move out do the way and finish it off.

"OH MY GOD I JUST DID THAT!! I JUST KILLED TEN SLIMES!" I scream in joy and look around for the last slime condsenate taht was dropped earlier. While I'm still confused about the power up, something inside me just clicks, and suddenly feel weak in the knees, before regaining my composure.

"W-what was that?" I mumble as I shake my head in annoyance and just get up.

I put my hands in my black hoodies pocket as I look at the time on my phone, its 11:37pm.
That gives me some more time to get to mondstat At least.

I sit down on a rock that was previously covered by hydro and I remember to check my skills to see if I got any new ones.

After a few taps I FINALLY made it to the area and I click the skills button.

New skill unlocked:
Master offence : Lvl 6

Thai's skill has a short cool-down, but the higher the level is for it the more damage it does.
All moves are pure offence, and are amazing for close combat.
This skill can only be used if The user has no weapon.
This skill scales off ATK, And LVL.

Oh my god.

I can't believe I can use this, I'm going to beat the shit out of everyone 😈😈

I walk up to a tree and punch it, and the tree has a huge dent in it and an outline of my hand.

After realising how OP i am, I whisper before seeing a new section called "order" on my watch.
Obviously i click it and I see some things i can bring! There some glass bottles which are and I remeber about the slime dropping so I click it and it appears in my bag.

"This is kinda scary" i say before brushing it off and going over to put the slime into the bottle.
After gathering it i remember my main goal, going to mondstat!
"I should be getting on my way, so let's go" i whisper to myself before getting ready to get up and travel to mondstat.

hope you still liked chapter! I'm shit at writing fighting scenes but I currently have no other option.

1045 words

This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )Where stories live. Discover now