? Hashira AU? (Part Three)

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(A/N: sorry for not being online :l)

Michikatsu regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. He turned his head away, ignoring the way Douma laughed and took another bite out of an arm. Michikatsu's stomach turned in revolt as blood dripped out of Douma's mouth, staining his pearly white skin and falling onto the floor.

Without a word, the Moon Hashira stood up, wriggling out of the demon's crushing not-quite-a-hug-but-definitely-close. Douma looked confused, glancing at Michikatsu.

"Eh? Where are you going?"

The demon dropped the limb, licking blood off his hand. Michikatsu drew his blade, and Douma's eyes widened.

"Ah... I see. You're going to try to kill me, right?"

Michikatsu nodded, watching Douma as the demon slowly stood up. The human tilted his head. He could see in the Transparent World Douma's weak points, albeit few. Why didn't he have that many? He had just become a demon, he should be weak.

Unless... he'd been a demon for a few days, and had feasted on enough humans to become stronger. Michikatsu's knuckles were white with how hard he was gripping onto his katana. Douma was way stronger than Michikatsu had initially thought. Maybe the demon would even be able to overpower him...

"I thought you were going to kill me?" Douma asked, glancing at the weapon. "You're not doing anything. Maybe... you don't want to?"

Michikatsu glared. Was he trying to manipulate him? "Of course I do. You're a demon. I kill demons."

Douma made a sad expression. "Aw, so cruel... I thought we were friends!"

"We were."

Michikatsu made a sweeping motion with his sword, whispering an attack. He'd trained with Douma, so the latter knew what his attacks looked like. Hopefully his enhanced hearing wasn't too good, and Michikatsu could say the breathing style quietly and catch him off guard.

Douma swerved to avoid the multiple crescents that followed the attack, dodging each one with inhuman speed. He could hear the forms Michikatu was murmuring, but he didn't want to block them in case he hurt Michikatsu.

More half moons appeared from thin air, and Douma's smile dropped as he realised Michikatsu was actually going to try and kill him.

Douma grimaced. He hadn't developed a Blood Demon Art yet - why would he? He'd only become a demon a few hours prior - so he'd have to rely on pure physical strength and agility.

Both of which he was good at, but still. It was a hassle.

Maybe they could just talk it out?

"Michi, please! We can work this out, you don't have to kill me." Douma called, dodging several more slashes towards him.

Michikatsu ignored the nickname, instead just focusing on his attacks. "Work it out? You're a murderer."

His tone was cold, different to the one Douma was used to. Another crescent came spiralling towards the demon, and he leapt out the way.

"I'm not a killer! These bodies were already here."

Even to Douma, that sounded like a lie. The Moon Hashira clearly thought so too, as he narrowed his eyes even more and scowled.

"No, I'm being honest," Douma pleaded. "They were left here by the demon that transformed me! My instincts forced me to eat them!"

Michikatsu sighed. Douma was telling the truth, he could tell. He knew when Douma was lying, he'd watched him enough - no, that sounded wrong, like he was stalking the Ice Hashira.

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