? Demon King! Douma?

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A/N: Yas. (This is so bad I'm sorry I had to write something quick to make up for the 4-5 days I didn't upload)

"Pathetic. You can't even kill one hashira? You're slipping, Upper Two." 

Akaza trembled at the tall figure in front of him. He looked up, meeting the man's disgusted gaze. Gold eyes met rainbow ones, eyes that swam with a sea of power Akaz could only dream of having.

"And even after so long, you still fail to find the flower I'm looking for. Perhaps I should strip you of your rank, as I did to Kyogai." Hissed Douma. His long, pale fingers drummed on the table. "Anything you'd like to say, weakling?" 

Akaza swallowed. He could think of plenty of things, such as Douma hadn't found the flower either. But some things are best left unsaid. However, as Akaza had forgotten, Douma could read minds.

A searing pain shot through Akaza, and thorny ice vines burst from his skin, blood oozing out of the cuts they made. To his horror, Akaza couldn't regenerate.

"You shall not think of such things again." Dismissed Douma, waving a hand, and the pain subsided. The cuts slowly healed, and Akaza bowed again. 

"Leave!" Snarled Douma, tone of voice laced with hate.

As Akaza left through the window, Douma watched with narrowed eyes.

He didn't enjoy Akaza's company. Douma would never say disliked, as he didn't feel emotions.  The aggressive demon didn't think logically, and was always trying to pick fights with his superior, Kokushibo. 

Douma turned his attention back to the paper on his desk, which had to be done by Friday as part of his lawyer firm. Living as a human was dull, to say the least.

A few weeks prior to the incident with Akaza, another demon had displeased the King of Demons.

"Huh? Where am I?" The castle sifted around the demon that had spoken. The demon his flicked pink tipped hair behind him. Cerulean eyes looked up, before realising where he was. 

"Master!" He sang, faint blush beginning to show on his pale face. 

"......Enmu." Truth to be told, Douma found Enmu's obsession with him a little..odd. Always acting as if Douma was a godly being - which he was, mind you - and once, Enmu had kissed his shoes.

No, he'd licked them.

"I have a mission for you." Deadpanned Douma, appearing to be uninterested in what he was saying.

"Anything for you!" Blurted out Enmu , staring at Douma in adoration. 

Douma crinkled his nose, appalled by the younger demon. 

"Kill the Flame hashira and the boy with hanafuda earrings on the Mugen train. If you do," and here he smirked, which sent shivers down Enmu's spine. "I'll reward you with a generous amount of blood, and consider making you an Uppermoon."

A/N: im going to stop here because a) it's raining so hard and I can't hear myself think and b) my motivation went flop. Should I continue with this though?

Douma Harem + Douma OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang