? Douma Reincarnate AU? (Part Six)

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(A/N: y'all guessed it there's gonna be part 7)

Kokushibo's fingers tapped his sword, on his face a rare smile. He really didn't like this woman. He wanted her to suffer. He wanted her to feel the pain and loneliness that's he'd felt after Douma's death.

He wanted her to die.

And now his dream might come true.

Kokushibo had refrained from hurting her over the past decade or so, because she was a powerful demon, and Muzan wanted her to stay alive since she was one of the only people Akaza listened to. But there was no need for her anymore, since Douma, who was much more powerful than Akaza, had come back.

"Kokushibo-dono, you're smiling! You must hate her!" Giggled Douma, before turning to Akio. Douma's grin vanished. He looked unnerving without it.

"What the hell are you doing, you dumb demon?" Hissed the woman, slightly creeped out by the blank expression on Douma's face. "Silent-Woman, teleport me back to my previous location." She said loudly, taking a step back from Douma.

"Nakime, don't. And make sure no one comes here. We need to have a talk," Called out Douma. He stared at Akio. "You're not escaping. I've got you right where I want you."

Douma's hands instinctively reached towards where his war fans usually were, only to grasp at nothing. "Aww, I don't have my fans," pouted Douma. "Guess I'll have to use my hands. Kokushi-"

"Why the hell do you want to hurt me?" She snarled, cutting Douma off. Her fingers started to elongate, turning sharp and deadly. They glinted, giving off an almost metal like appearance.

"And you went and interrupted me," sighed Douma. "I was going to ask Kokushibo what weapons you used, but I can see them now. Nekote, right?"

Akio didn't reply, instead taking up a fighting stance against the two Uppermoons.

"It's adorable how you think you can fight me and Kokushibo." Giggled Douma.

"Douma...careful," muttered Kokushibo. "Her nekote...are...dipped in...toxins."

"Huh? Well, my poison immunity is pretty good," replied Douma with a smile. "Let's incapacitate her, then we can go somewhere a little more...private."

Akio sprung forward, arms outstretched. Douma quickly swerved, before spinning suddenly and punching her straight in her back. His fist, now soaked in blood, went through her rib cage. He yanked it out again, but not before he'd heard the crunch of her shattered rib bones. She screeched in pain, jumping away from Douma. Kokushibo watched silently. He would let Douma do this.

"Hmmm...interesting," the blond demon mused. "Your technique is short range. I wonder if I can use my blood demon art without my fans? It would make this a lot quicker."

Douma raised his hands slightly, the temperature noticeably dropping by a few degrees. A frosty cloud billowed from his outstretched palms, hovering in the air as Akio began to regenerate.

"I can...but it's not spreading as much. That's okay!"

"Shut up! Your voice is annoying me!" Growled Akio, twisting her spine to face Douma.

The Uppermoon Two snickered as she ran forward - slowly, in his opinion- only to be batted away by an ice vine Douma summoned.

"Douma...hurry up." Mumbled Kokushibo. Douma moved his neck to quickly glance at his superior before shooting him a large grin.

"Just trying to tire her out so she can't escape!" He called, waving his hand dismissively in the air.

"I can...do that...later. I will...slow...her regeneration, if...you'd like?" Asked Kokushibo in his hushed voice. Douma nodded, and with a sudden burst of speed Akio's severed limbs were on the floor, and Kokushibo was on the other side of the room.

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