?Douma x Akaza?

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(A/N: it's literally midnight where I live...anyways. a yandere au requested by @do_doma. Just realised this entire book is mainly kokudou, so I wrote this as an Akadou. Want a part 2? Y'all got requests?)

Douma could hear his heartbeat, thumping rapidly as the approaching figure got closer. The smog made his pursuer appear hazy, giving them a ghost like appearance. He couldn't see weapons in the other's hands, but he knew why.

Akaza had always preferred to use his fists.

Douma hid in the shadows, holding his breath. He could hear Akaza humming the tune he always did, but only barely. His frantic heartbeat was much louder, so much so that Douma wondered if Akaza could hear it. Douma pressed himself further up against the grimy wall. His eyes squeezed shut as memories of being forced onto a wall, nowhere for him to run, clouded his mind.

The footsteps made by Akaza's bare feet were quiet, but to Douma's sensitive ears, each one was a deafening sound, telling him he might not live to see morning.

"Douma, where are you~" called out Akaza, pausing his walk. Douma froze. Had he seen him? "It's not like you to hide..."

Douma clasped a hand over his mouth, shaking as Akaza came closer.

"I don't want to hurt you. I swear I won't kill you!" Akaza promised, his blood stained hands twitching.

The worst part was Douma knew whose blood it was. He'd seen it happen. His cousin, Inoskue, lying on the floor, Akaza standing over him.

Inoskue wasn't sleeping.

Akaza jerked his head in the direction of where Douma was hiding. He could have sworn he heard something, frantic breathing, a choked sob. Akaza began to walk towards the sounds, his face alight with a smile.

He really didn't get why Douma had ran away like that. Sure, Akaza hadn't intended Douma to see him with Inoskue, but why was he so upset? He'd said himself that Inoskue was annoying. Akaza was doing him a favour, right?

He'd disposed of those close to Douma, first; his two friends Daki and Gyutaro. They were both irritating, Daki too loud and Gyutaro too rude. Next had been Hantengu, who Akaza wasn't sure if he really was a friend of his beloved's, but it was better safe than sorry. Someone called Enmu, a younger year named Rui. Kotoha, Douma's very sweet and very in-the-way cousin. Gykokko had been killed too, smashed over the head with a pot. Akaza nearly laughed at the memory of the porcelain - that Gykokko himself had painted - sticking out of his skull.

The ones he hadn't removed were two of Douma's closest friends, Muzan and Kokushibo. Akaza knew they would easily overpower him, and then his whole plan would be wasted.

So he'd had to let them live, though it pained him to see Douma giggling as he hugged Muzan, or grinning from ear to ear as Kokushibo talked to him.

"Douma, I just want to talk," called Akaza, stopping as he got closer. "Please don't hide from me."

Akaza sounded so genuinely wounded that Douma wanted to come out and comfort him, but Douma had discovered that Akaza's entire personality was a facade.

Underneath the hotheaded fighter was a dangerous, love driven psychopath. Douma knew that Akaza was desperate for his affections to be returned, but all Douma could think about was seeing the blank look in Daki's eyes as she lay crumpled on the floor, Gyutaro curled protectively around her.

Douma didn't know what would happen if he made himself visible, but he wasn't taking any chances. He'd given Akaza enough of those already.

Douma was frozen when soon, all too soon, Akaza seemingly materialised next to him. The blond jumped, noticing the other almost immediately. He stumbled back, surprised and terrified at the same time.

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