?Douma's nightmare/The Traitors? (Part Three)

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A/N: sorry for not updating! 

Douma wordlessly walked across the room, retrieving the test tube the Demon King had ordered him to get. It was filled with a pale green concoction that hissed slightly, probably due to acid. Muzan narrowed his eyes at the two terrified Uppermoon Sixes, each of them with matching expressions of terror on their faces.

"Muzan-sama! If I may, I'd like to say something." Said Douma quietly. He was being calm, something unusual for someone as boisterous as him. "They were talking about something they'd been given so you cannot read their minds. I'd recommend using more....brutal ways to extract information out of them."

Muzan hummed to show he'd heard, then turned to the traitorous demons.

"You dare go behind my back, deny my orders and team up with Demon Slayers?" He stated, voice calm - despite the brewing fury in his scarlet eyes. "Douma." Muzan flicked his wrist, and the Uppermoon Two silently came over, not looking at Daki or Gyutaro.

"Dou- Dad!" Yelled Daki, reaching out her hand as Muzan's flesh tentacles wrapped tightly around her and her brother, restraining them both. "Dad, you can't let him do this! We're your children, right?"

Muzan rolled his eyes, beckoning Douma closer. Douma glanced up at his 'children', acknowledging them for a second.

"No. You are not, and never were." His stoic expression cracked, exposing his usual fang bearing grin. "Truth is, I don't like you two!" He giggled, whipping one of his fans out of its sheath and holding it to his face, hiding his mouth.

Daki's eyes widened, unaccustomed to being denied anything or disliked. Gyutaro, however, seemed to be more focused on the fact that he was going to fucking die.

"Muzan-sama! Douma is lying! We're loyal to you, that's why we killed the Sound Pillar!" He screamed in his hoarse voice, desperation clear on his face.

"Are you implying I am wrong?" Muzan hissed, the anger he harboured showing in the form of large flesh tentacles. Gyutaro, realising his mistake, looked like he wanted to disappear.

"No no, not at all! It's just-"

"We're not the traitor, or traitors! In fact, it's probably Dou-Dad! That's why he's blaming us!" Shrieked Daki, tears beginning to fall from her green eyes. "Oni-chan! Do something!"

"Enough of that." Dismissed Muzan, snapping his fingers. Tentacles wrapped around Daki's mouth, silencing her. He turned to Gyutaro. "Uppermoon Six. Tell me about the intel you have, or something rather unfortunate will happen to your sister."

Gyutaro shook his head frantically, and Muzan's mouth quirked up into a cruel smile.

"Douma. Give me the tube." Commanded the Demon King, beckoning the aforementioned with pale fingers. The Uppermoon Two skipped over, placing the small hollow glass in Muzan's outstretched hands.

"In this vial is something I've been working on." Commented Muzan absentmindedly, twirling it between his fingers. "It was originally intended for Douma, for the tips of his fans. If this concoction comes into contact with flesh, it will be excruciatingly painful." He narrowed his eyes again. "Are you sure you don't wish to say anything?"

Daki squirmed, uncomfortable in her tight wrappings of flesh. Her face was contorted into an expression of disgust for the tentacles made of ligaments and muscles touching her bare skin. Muzan glanced at her.

"The tentacles are made of the corpses of demons I've killed for being disloyal. If you don't tell me anything, you'll become part of them." He turned his attention back to Gyutaro. "No? Very well then."

The Demon King opened the small vial, the liquid inside glowing faintly. It was a dark red colour, almost blood like. He stepped towards Daki, Douma watching with mild interest from behind. The second Uppermoon Six squirmed back, pressing her back up against the long strips of flesh that were still protruding from the walls.

"Daki. You're my most special demon, remember?" Said Muzan calmly, a soft smile on his normally scowling face. Douma recognised that tone of voice. It was the subtle hint of manipulation, the underlying tone of lies.

After all, it was the he spoke to his followers in.

Muzan's voice seemed to work. Daki was struggling internally, spilt between giving in to the man she admired and even loved, or staying true to the side she'd chosen.

(A/N: when I say Daki loves Muzan, I mean as in one sided (so a one billion year old man doesn't love a twelve year old), and Muzan himself sees Daki as a whiny child.)

"Daki! Don't te- mhph!" Gyutaro had begun to yell, but the tentacles had cut him off before he could finish.

"Daki. Look at me, and don't lie to me." Smiled Muzan, holding out his other hand to lightly brush Daki's face. The aforementioned gulped, torn between the decision she had to make.

"No!" She yelled suddenly, jerking her head away from Muzan's soft touch. "I'm- I'm not gonna listen to you anymore!"

Muzan scowled. On his fingers that had previously been on Daki's face, he elongated his already long, sharp nails. Muzan raised the hand and sliced across Daki's cheek and forehead with two separate slashes. Daki screeched in pain, body thrashing in protest.

"I can't regenerate! Oni-chan, I can't regenerate!" Tears welled up in her eyes, her childish begging for her brother high pitched and whiny.

Gyutaro bit at the tentacle that covered his mouth. It squirmed and retreated, and Gyutaro opened his mouth to say something. But before he could even start to form his sentence, a thorny ice vine wrapped itself around his lower face. His panicked eyes looked up, meeting the cold gaze of Uppermoon Two. The sharp prongs on the vines cut into Gyutaro's already distorted face, small rivers of scarlet dripping down his blotched skin.

"Shut up." Hissed Douma, pressing a golden fan against the demon's neck. "You betrayed Lord Muzan, and now you and your sister will pay the price. I hope whatever the the Demon Slayers gave you in exchange for information was worth it."

Douma turned away from his 'son', instead moving towards Daki. She looked at him pleadingly, the red blood mixing with her salty tears on her face. With a sudden movement, Douma slashed her across her forehead with his fan. The blood flowed down steadily, going into her eyes and blinding her. 

Behind him, Muzan grinned approvingly. Perhaps Douma wasn't so useless as he seemed. 

"Stop! It hurts!" Screamed Daki. Douma smiled at her.

"Stop? But darling, we've only just begun."

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