ʕ•̫͡•ʔDouma x Akaza☻

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A/N: edit: this chapter was towards the end of the book, but I decided to make it the first one. Apologies for the delay! Also, 4k reads? Tysm! Can't remember who requested this, but I hope you enjoy this!

Sobs wracked Douma's body as he hunched over, the tears falling down his cheeks in silver waterfalls, turning to hardened crystal as they dropped the ground with gentle plink sounds.

He'd never cried in the Fortress before, the newfound feeling of being afraid that someone would walk in. Douma relied on his reputation of being heartless for extra missions; for more precious blood.

His mind was too numb to form words, so he wept, wept for the positive emotions he was incapable of feeling. He could feel the negative ones, anger and sadness and fear, but he'd never felt the blossoming happiness that people described. 

When Douma cried, it was as if a blank void -drained of anything- inside of him opened up and threatened to swallow into the ground where he was. For what use was someone without empathy, without anything but respect for themselves? They couldn't offer comfort, or help others express joy. They were blank.

Douma was blank.

He rocked back and forth, tears continuing to cascade down his face with no clear intention of stopping. He didn't know how to stop. Sadness was new to him, and having never felt it before meant he didn't know what to do to make the unwelcome feeling stop. He hated it, the way his heart felt as if it was clenching and puckering.

He'd been told not to cry by so many others. His mother, his father, his followers. They'd told him to stay happy, not to open up to reality. To stay asleep in the blissful daydream of emptiness.

But he woke up.

If this was real life, Douma hated it. Why was he even crying? He didn't know anymore. The despondency had fogged his brain, clouding his sharp mind with sorrow. 

"Are you...okay?"

Douma jumped in surprise.

Akaza had been wandering the labyrinth of corridors when he heard sobbing. To hear crying in this unforgiving building was unusual, with the majority of demons that frequented it being colder than winter itself. To his surprise, when he opened the door, he saw the infamous Uppermoon Two. And he couldn't help himself.

"Are you...okay?" He blurted out, almost instantly mentally scolding himself. Why should he care for Douma? But an instinct nagged him, an instinct that told him Douma needed help. 

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine-" Douma was chanting the last bit, as if to convince himself more than Akaza that what he was saying was true.

"I know you're not."

Silence hung in the air, Akaza still cursing himself for caring. Then, after what felt like eons, Douma spoke up. 

"C-can I have a hug?" The tenderness in the blondes voice startled Akaza, the vulnerability Douma was displaying. 

"Please? I just need something, someone. Can you please be that someone, even if it's just for today? Things aren't going great right now, and I feel like I mean nothing to anyon-" 

Douma was cut off from Akaza wrapping his arms around the taller. Douma's eyes filled up with water again, and he shook in Akaza's arms.

"Than-Thank you."

They didn't say much, Douma quietly crying and Akaza not knowing what to do. He didn't know how to care either, how to take care of someone when they felt like this.

Because no one had ever taken care of him when he was at his lowest.

Maybe they could learn that together. 

"Can I say something? Can I tell you something you can't tell anyone else?" 

The question startled Akaza, who didn't expect Douma to be so personal with him. 

"Um, sure."

"I don't know how to feel. I can feel but I don't know how I tell anyone. No one listens, except you. And even you probably don't care, because no one I ever loved cared about me, so why should you be different?"

Douma liked him? Akaza always thought he was just messing around...

"I probably sound crazy right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm not fine. Just wanted someone to know that I'm not a perfect person, that I'm not a god. I'm just lonely."

Douma buried his head into Akaza's chest, and the striped demon slowly -uncertainly- traced circles into Douma's back until the now silent crying had stopped.

"I'll help you." Promised Akaza, only he didn't say it out loud. He made a silent vow in his head to protect the tired and broken boy that lay in his arms.

You're not alone, Douma.

A/N: who wants part two?

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