?Douma x Kokushibo? (Part One)

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A/N: requested by Eggsrgay 

"I've found it."

Douma looked up from his room in the Infinity Castle, meeting the six blood red-sclera, with honey gold pupils eyes of his superior.

"Found what? My will to live?"

The taller man sighed, shaking his head slightly as a sign of his exasperation.

"No, Douma. I've found the flower."

Douma jerked his head up. "You've actually found it? The blue spider lily that Muz-"

Kokushibo slapped a hand over Douma's mouth, silencing his voice. He slowly removed it, muttering an apology.

"Forgive me. But you mustn't say his name, it'll alert him that you're talking about him. If you wish to talk about him, refer to him as......" There was a pause as Kokushibo thought of an acceptable code name. "As Moon."

Douma rolled his eyes playfully. He clearly wasn't taking it seriously. Either he thought that Kokushibo was lying and had no clue where the flower was, or he simply didn't give a fuck.

Knowing Douma, it was probably the latter.

"Okay," he said, dragging out the word. "So you've found the flower that 'Moon' has been looking for - for one thousand years may I add - and you haven't told him? I thought you were loyal~"

Kokushibo ground his teeth. Douma really knew how to annoy the usually impassible Uppermoon One.

"I am. But here, I am hesitant. If Moon gets his hands on the flower, he shall become immune to the sun. He shall no longer have need for us, and shall discard us like the worthless toys he thinks we are. I trust you to not tell Moon, and help me hide it." He looked at Douma, who had an amused expression on his face.

"That's the most words I've ever heard you say, Koku!" He giggled, fanning himself with a toothy grin. Kokushibo internally face palmed. He should have known better than to go to the uncaring Douma for help.

"Speak not a word of this to anyone. I shall hide it myself." He stated clearly, turning around to leave the room, when suddenly there was a pull on his kimono. He spun around.

"Douma! You dirty pervert! Don't tou-"

"No! I wanna help. No one ever includes me in anything. Sit down, please."

Kokushibo tightened the loosened clothing, and sat upon the wooden floor next to Douma.

"So," Asked Douma. "How'd you find it? It only blooms in the sun."

Kokushibo looked at Douma, confused. "How did you know that?"

"I like stalking people at my temple. I stalked a florist. She told me. Then I ate her. But that doesn't matter! So, as you're not immune to the sun, how?"

"I- What? Anyways, I had a mission, to find a village in which Muz- pardon, I mean Moon, believed a Hashira resided in."

Kokushibo trudged wearily up the moonlight mountain, bones cracking in protest. He'd been walking up for around four days without food or rest, and he was beginning to feel tiredness tugging at the corner of his mind, begging for him to temporarily relax and regain lost energy.

He ignored the feeling, instead choosing to only walk further. His master had assigned him a mission and he was going to complete it, worn out or not.

He was about to pull himself up a rocky ledge when he noticed the sun beginning to peek over the snowy mountains, casting beautiful colours against the black sky in a stark contrast.

Kokushibo's dead heart began to beat slowly, now afraid of burning. He had not anticipated the sun to rise for at least another hour. He swivelled his six eyes in search for a shelter.

As the valley under the Uppermoon One began to brighten, his keen eyesight landed on a small gap in a rock face. He leapt forward, squeezing himself into a narrow gap to discover it led to an expansion; a cave. He curled up in the misty corner of the darkness, falling asleep until the evening came.

As he woke, he noticed a brightness lingering around the small entrance. So he hadn't slept until the sun went down.

He stayed in that corner for a while longer, unmoving. Soon as he could see vibrant orange and red peering through the minuscule cracks he hadn't noticed before. Good thing they were far too small to do him any harm. The sun was setting, and he walked out. When the sun was disappearing behind the horizon, the rays were too weak to do any serious harm to a demon as strong as himself.

He scanned the forested glade he'd exited, noting it wasn't the way he came in, trying to find the path he'd been taking. His gaze landed on something else, though.

A blue flower with myriads of sapphire petals that were slowly furling up, spindly stalk a dark green flecked with brighter spots.

Kokushibo knew what it was the minute he saw it. It was like all those drawings his Master had made of it.

The Blue Spider Lily.

He silently leaned down and plucked it, the thin stem so fragile in his callused hand. Strange how a thing with so much power was so thin and breakable.

Nakime, he nonverbally thought. And the trees fell away, the world becoming a wooded maze.

"Ooooh! That's interesting. Were there anymore? Do you have it?"

"To answer your questions, there was just the one, and yes, I have it."

With that, he produced it from an inside pocket. Douma gasped.

"That's it? This tiny thing is what Muza-"

Kokushibo punched his head off, cutting of the word that could've brought their whole world crashing down into rubble.


Kokushibo glared at Douma sternly, reproachful.

"Sorry, Koku. This is what Moon wanted?"

"Yes. And it's Kokushibo, for the hundredth time."

"Well, what are we gonna do with it? Or have you not thought of that?"

"I haven't got an answer for that," confessed the superior demon. "I was hoping you might have an answer?"

"Well, I don't! And we can't exactly hide in my temple, or your house! We can't hide! He'll send every demon he has to kill us, and more!"

Kokushibo placed his head in his hands in despair. "I haven't got a clue." Suddenly, the door slammed open with a loud sound.

"Am I interrupting something? Muzan wants a meeting." Came the sharp voice of Uppermoon Three, Akaza. "Like, is it a bad time? 'Cuz if it is, suck it up and go to the damn meeting. You're late."

Kokshibo looked up, a cold glare. Akaza seemed to momentarily shrink in fear, before his face took on an annoyed expression again. He stormed out, slamming the door.

Douma stood up, offering a hand to Kokushibo. "I'll think of something, okay? You found it, I'll find out what to do. Just relax, and make sure you don't stress over it too much."

"...did you copy something you say to your followers?"

"Maybe? But I'll find out what to do. I won't let us die."

Kokushibo smiled a rare smile, taking Douma's outstretched hand. The Uppermoon Two hoisted him up, and walked away, hair swinging with a silvery bounce. 

Kokushibo sighed. What had he done? He'd entrusted the unpredictable Douma, of all people, with something that could kill them both.

Kokushibo hoped he could keep a secret.

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