?Douma x Kokushibo? (Part Three)

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The lower-ranked Uppermoon grinned at Kokushibo in his human form. Kokushibo stared at him, expression completely monotone.

"I'm going to kill you." Stated Kokushibo, to which Gykokko laughed at.

"You think you'll be able to kill me? You have no weapon, and I was given a large amount of Muzan-Sama's blood before coming here."

Kokushibo blinked. Muzan had trusted Gykokko of all people to dispose of him and Douma? Not Akaza? Or Hantengu? Hell, if Enmu was alive, he'd have been a better choice.

"Fight me, coward! Or are you scared because you don't have your sword?" Gykokko sneered. Kokushibo could have laughed. As if he was scared of a pot with a self ego bigger than the Infinity Castle.

The clue was in the name, the Infinity Castle was infinite. 

Both of Gykokko's mouths grinned, excited at the prospect of battle. He disappeared into his pot, reappearing at the other end of the room in another.

(A/N: so the sword smith village arc got boring for me, so I didn't bother reading the battle scene. I've got no clue how Gykokko fights. Just blame it on the blood Muzan gave him, and KimetsuNoYaibaFandom.Com)

Kokushibo was surprised, as he hadn't seen that pot earlier. Gykokko noticed his surprise and laughed again. His laughing was starting to really irate Kokushibo.

"I've got pots all over this temple! I've stayed here for a week, since Muzan noticed Douma was acting weird. Can't believe that idiot didn't find out. Why are you even friends with someone as pathetic as him?"

The question perplexed Kokushibo. "We're not....friends."

Gykokko stared at him. "Oh." Then his two mouths grinned again. "Well, whatever you are, I'm going to kill you and drink your blood, then I'll go for him! With the blood Muzan-Sama gave me, I'm able to kill people higher in the Kizuki than me! What a pity you're one of them."

How stupid. It was a shame really, since Gykokko had the potential. He could have maybe become Uppermoon Four. But instead he was going to waste his extended life on fighting someone with a far superior power level than him?

Kokushibo sighed. He was going to have given Gykokko a second chance, tell him not to tell Muzan on the pain of death and then he'd live, but it seemed that wasn't going to happen after all. 

Kokushibo lunged forward, but not at Gykokko. He instead reached for the cupboard that Douma had insisted he put his sword in, his incredibly quick speed allowing him to get there before Gykokko even saw him move. He grabbed his sword as he flung the door open, spinning around and getting into his sword fighting stance.

Gykokko smirked. "Hyo hyo! So you do have your weapon. That only increases the fun in this! Takotsubo Jigoku- Octopus Vase Hell! "

From the multiple pots in the room emerged long tentacles, snaking their way towards Kokushibo before picking up speed and rushing toward him. Kokushibo sliced through them with little difficulty, a bored expression on his humanoid face. 

"Huh? How come you do it so effortlessly?!" Hissed Gykokko, sending the attack through again, only for the same reaction from Uppermoon One.

Kokushibo was getting bored. He'd expected a much better fight from all the show off talk Gykokko had done, and yet it was as easy as killing demon slayers. He wasn't even trying. If he wanted, he could have ended it when Gykokko was bragging about how he got blood from Muzan.

"Senbonbari Gyosatsu- Thousand Needle Fish Kill!" Fish like demons sprung from the pots that Gykokko had summoned, spitting poisoned needles that were sharpened to a deadly edge. Kokushibo mentally flinched. His poison tolerance was low. Douma had the highest of all the Kizuki. 

"Moon Breathing, Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing." Said Kokushibo calmly, hiding his fleeting inner panic as a barrage of crescents emerging from his katana to block him from the incoming needles. Gykokko disappeared into his pot again, coming out from another and jeering about how Kokushibo wasn't able to hit him.

"Moon Breathing, Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant." Moons appeared again from the blade, reaching out slashes several meters in front of him. One of the crescents hit Gykokko, chopping off the lower half of his body.

Gykokko shrieked in pain, crumpling into the vase to regenerate. He came out a few seconds later, cursing at Kokushibo.

"Ichiman Kakkūnengyo-Ten Thousand Gliding Slime-Fish!" He hissed, flicking his arms as more fish demons sprung from his pots and vases.

The fish began to approach Kokushibo hurriedly, sensing the distress of the demon that had summoned them. They growled, bearing sharp needle like fangs that dripped with poison.

Kokushibo span around, decapitating each and every one. What he had not anticipated, however, was that they would dissolve into a toxic liquid. Since he knew next to nothing about any other demons blood demon art, including Gykokko's, he had no idea that the poison was percutaneous. It seeped into his skin, and Kokushibo felt a sharp pain go through his head. 

Kokushibo, said his own voice from inside his mind. What is wrong with you? First you attempt to go against your Master, then you lose to Uppermoon Five?

Kokushibo's vision was beginning to swim, the corners of his sight going black. He blearily looked up at the gloating Gykokko, who grinned at him.

"You're pathetic, Uppermoon One. How did you not know my fish were poisoned?"

Kokushibo was starting to feel tired. He mentally cursed himself. He was going to die if he let that happen. He had to stay awake.

"Moon Breathing," he managed to choke out. "Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit."

A powerful frontal crescent-shaped slash blazed out from his sword, creating a gauge in the wooden carpet floor. Gykokko laughed.

He wasn't laughing when the strike beheaded him.

His head balanced precariously on his shoulders for a second, a second where neither spoke, before rolling off onto the floor.

"W-What? But you're dying! How can you-?" Screamed Gykokko. Gykokko's head bounced, leaving a blood trail across the floor.

Kokushibo could slowly sense his vision was returning to normal. Had his body managed to absorb the poison? 

"H-how could I die?" Shrieked the Uppermoon Five, whose body was turning into ash in front of Kokushibo.

The head began to dissolve too, the screams turning muffled as the ash and away at the skin at tissue that made up the facial structure. Before long, the only remnants of the Uppermoon Five was a cracked pot lying on the floor.

"What the hell? I left you for one hour!"  Exclaimed an incredulous voice.

Ah. Douma had returned. 

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