part 18

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finally here's my upload!!! just a warning. this one is a huge cliffhanger. aha do i do cliffhangers too much LOL. disliking how the real show is going. Elena seems to be hating Damon more!!! *sad face* story will be reaching its climax soon. which means it is coming to an end!! and then i'll be starting a teenage romance XD but i probably won't upload it until i have a few god chapters written already, XD. aha too much talking, onto the story. XD

P.S. one last thing. lakers lost AGAIN!!! UGHHHH! I'M SAD.



  I bolted up right, breathing in as much air as my lungs allowed me to. I felt sticky and wet all over, as if I just spent the last hour at the gym working out. My eyes adjusted to the brightness and I realized I was lying on my bed.

  The horrific scene from last night flashed in my mind, I shuddered as I remembered the creature with fangs throwing itself at Jenna and me as we opened the front door. Who were they? Or, what were they? Could it be a dream? Because I certainly don't feel like I've been hurt.

   No. Wait. There was something not quiet right about my neck. My hands flew to my throat searching for wounds, but there was none. The nagging sensation became stronger, and I located it to be coming from the back of my throat, burning away like my flesh was lit on fire.

  Desperately, I searched for a cup of water, hoping that it'll sooth my throat a bit. Fortunately, there was one on my desk across the room. Standing up, I reached out for the cup and woah! I was next to my desk in a second! How did I do that? Did I gain some kind of a supernatural power?

  The burning in my throat reminded me to bring the water to my lips. Gulping it down, I expected to feel much better, but the burning didn't go away. Not one bit. In fact, it seemed to be growing stronger every second. What's going on? I wondered.

  Sounds of footsteps came from the other side of the door. I panicked. Could it be those....those things from last night?

  Before I even had a chance to to hide myself, the door flung open and-thank god- it was just Stefan and Damon.

  "You already woke up?" Stefan asked as they both confidently walked into my room, without my permission, may I add.

  "Last night......" I asked, my voice hoarse.

  "Sit down Jeremy. There's a lot to talk about, and I want you to be prepared." Stefan gestured for me to sit down on my bed.

  "Oh just get to the point Stefan. The kid's in transition. There's no point trying to care for his feelings, he'll freak out no matter how gentle you break it to him." Damon rolled his eyes at his brother, crossing his arms in front of his chest, looking annoyed.

  Stefan looked at Damon with an equally annoyed expression. I seriously don't know how those two can be brothers. It's obvious they hate each others guts.

  "You remember what happened last night don't you Jeremy?" Stefan continued on.

  "Kind of....something attacked Jenna and I."

  "Those things were vampires. And, they've....they've killed Jenna."

  "Wait. What? Vampires? Jenna is dead? No. You're lying, that's not possible. There is no such thing as vampires." I babbled on, too shocked to say anything else.

  "Well you better believe it. Because you are one yourself."


damon and elena.- It was always YouWhere stories live. Discover now