Chapter 34 - Selene

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I have been taught about afterlife when I was a little girl. I knew that as the soul reaches the Underworld, it is judged by the three judges of the Underworld that determain the sentence of the deceased.

There are five sentences in total:

The Tartarus for any wicked or people that are experiencing punishment for their sins. Cronus and other titans reside there after being banished by Zeus - I am disappointed that my parents aren't there yet.

The Fields of Punishment is a place for those who have created havoc on the world and committed crimes specifically against the gods, where they suffer for eternity based on their crimes.

The Asphodel Meadows is a place for ordinary or indifferent souls who did not commit any significant crimes, but who also did not achieve any greatness or recognition during their lives.

Elysium is a place where the souls have an easy afterlife with no labors. Most accepted there were either demigods or heroes.

And lastly, the Isles of the Blessed are islands in the realm of Elysium. When a soul achieved Elysium, they have a choice to either stay in Elysium or to be reborn. If a soul is reborn three times and achieved Elysium after all three deaths, then they are sent to the Isles of the Blessed to be sentenced to eternal paradise.

So, if anyone had asked me where I thought I was going after death, I would have guessed the Asphodel Meadows. I would wander lost with those who didn't matter and never will matter.

I was incredibly surprised when I got to Elysium. This is truly the greatest place a dead soul can end up in -maybe besides the Isle of the Blessed, but I haven't been reborn even once to qualify and I do not mean to (who knows in what form and new crazy family I could be born into?).

However, as grateful I am to have ended up here, and as much as I enjoy spending my days eating ambrosia, drinking nectar, and fighting other warriors for sport, I am missing him.

I can't keep myself from thinking of Loki every minute of each day -even if time passes differently in these places. Not knowing how he is doing or what he is up to is torturing me.

He was crying the last time I saw him, and the last thing I want him to do is go back to the dark place because of me. I mean I would like to know that at least someone misses me, except for him. I don't want him to be sad because of me.

This morning, I thought I heard his voice calling my name. I tried to convince myself it was just another dream but it felt too real this time.

I was taking a walk close to the lakes to clear my head when a strange wind came on. It lasted only a second and then it dropped.

"Selene?". There it is again.

Is this a test or am I going crazy?

"Selene?". Suddenly his voice sounds closer

"Loki?" I call back for the first time.

I turn around and I see him standing a few feet away from me. My heartbeat quickens.

"Hello, love" he smiles

"Hi. How are you here? Why..."

"Zeus gave me one last chance to contact you, and I am using it to bring you back home" he says

"Come again?" I chuckle

"I would love to keep talking but there isn't much time. I need your help on this. I need you to get to Styx and dive as soon as the sun hides. At that time the planets will be aligning, the universe will be in maximum order, so I have to pull you out at that time exactly in order to keep it under the radar let it pass as ordinary disorder. Do you understand?"

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