Chapter 9 - Selene

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Tonight was the first time Loki stayed the whole night. He fell asleep next to me. I never let people stay overnight because I don't trust anyone.

I didn't realize it happened, until I woke up in the middle of the night with his hand still around me. And I almost panicked at how comfortable I felt. No anxiety, no fear. Peace.

I took the time to examine his face. I was so used to the tension written all over his expression during sex, that I never seen him so relaxed.

His eyelids flutter as he slowly comes out of sleep. A sharp inhale and his grip around my waist tightens, bringing me closer. I don't protest.

It takes him a few moments to realize where he is and finally open his eyes.

"You didn't kick me out" his voice is raspy

"I fell asleep too" I admit.

"I should be home by now"

"You probably should" I agree

"Mhm..." but he doesn't move.

"You need to go, my assistant could be here any minute" I say

"Alright" he breathes out.

He releases me and gets out of bed. I stay put and I grab my planner from the nightstand. I pick up the pen and I open the book on today's date.

Before I could read a word, my eyes catch Loki's movement. I steal a few glimpses of him as he's getting dressed.

"Long day today?" he asks noticing the planner in my lap

"Yeah" I lie.

He nods smiling and continues to dress.

"Selene, I think I underestimated how smart you are" he admits

"I know. How come you noticed?" I wonder

"For starters, I see you're able to read upside down...".

I am, in fact, holding the planner upside down. I sigh and I curse myself.

"You were staring" he smiles

"I wasn't staring. And you can get dressed in a second using magic, no need to put on a show. But you crave the attention"

"That I do. But I know better that to let myself get caught staring".

"Ok. Let's see how good you are at not staring" I say, determined to prove him wrong.

I reach to the last drawer of my nightstand and I take out my favorite hot pink vibrator. Loki's eyes widen.

I throw the covers away and I spead my legs in front of him. He takes a step closer to the bed excited.

I stop him "No, no. This isn't for you. Now just stand there and look pretty for me" I say

He opens his mouth to respond but no words come out.

"I may let you touch if you beg" I add.

His knees find the floor by the foot of the bed and his fingers almost dig into his own thighs. I bite my lip at the sight of him and I drop my head on the pillow.

I turn on the device. Its sound sends a fresh wave of goosebumps all over my body.

"If you touch me without permission, all of this is over. Got it?" I warn

"I'm fine here. I'll just have you do all my dirty work for me. Now spread your legs further apart. I know you can" he says

"Hey, you're not the one in control here" I remind him

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