Chapter 33 - Loki

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Two weeks later, I continue to visit her every day and I spend all day with her. I sit besides her, I preserve her grave clean, I replace her flowers, I keep her company, I talk to her. I pretend that she is listening, watching, and answering. I may be going crazy but she is absolutely worth it.

When I am home, I read about afterlife and their beliefs on it. They don't have a place warriors go, like Valhalla. Everyone goes in the Underworld. But they say that as long as the dead are remembered, they are active and happy. Or else they spend eternity wandering lost in there.

There were many times I was close to reaching out to her through the pendant that Zeus handed me. But something tells me it isn't the right time yet, whatever that means. I can't afford to waste it. I need to be sure.

Today, and for the first time in the last couple of weeks, someone new visits her. They got there before me so I approach from behind. In the beginning, I assume it is her sister. However, as I get closer I recognize her majestic form.

It is Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty and love, daughter of Zeus. The myths about her breathtaking looks make her justice, but I know one person who beats her.

"Hello" she says acknowledging my presence but doesn't move

"Hello" I reply.

We both keep our head straight and eyes fixed on Selene's engraved name.

"She had talked to me about you" she breaks the silence first. "She had told me pretty early on so I'd let it slip to the rest of the family; when you two were trying to piss them off. I can't believe she went from that to this. I can see that you love her, but you didn't stop her?" she asks

"Trust me, I would trade my life for hers in a second if I could" I answer.

She nods and lowers her head. "Adonis mentioned he has seen her in the Underworld. He tells me she is doing good and adjusting well" she mentions.

"Adonis is here?" I ask surprised

"Yes, he came yesterday. His six months in the Underworld are over again".

Of course. Adonis' resuscitations. How didn't I think of this earlier?

I excuse myself and I run across Omnipotence City to get to Zeus chambers. I get passed the guards and find him on his throne.

"You gave me the pendant for one last meeting with her. But how could you not consider bringing her back for six months?" I demand to know

"I beg your pardon?" he looks at me clearly bothered

"Bring Selene back, even it is for the half of each year"

"I cannot do that"

"You did it before. You did it for Aphrodite when Adonis was killed. Now he spends 6 months of each year in the Underworld and 6 months alive" I remind him

"Adonis' life was taken unfairly by Persephone just to get back at Aphrodite"

"And Selene's wasn't?"

"It is different"

"How? Aphrodite mourned, pleading to you for the renewed life of her lover. You were swayed by her pleas, and eventually resurrected Adonis. I am begging you to do it one more time. Has Selene not given enough? Doesn't she deserve a second chance?".

He pauses for a moment but his expression remains stiff. "It is different. Adonis was a moral" he insists

"But you turned him immoral anyway when you brought him back"

"I cannot do it!" he insists

"You cannot or you will not?" I wonder. "Is it because I am asking? Would it be different if I send Aphrodite begging you again?".

He stays silent.

I nod and I take a step back "Right... I apologize for even thinking you would help me and also Selene"

"It only will hurt her more. Adonis is dying and coming back each year, it is painful and exhausting. She is better where she is now" he states.

I ignore him and I keep going. If no one wants to help, I will help myself like I have always done.

Instead of another breakdown, I return to Asgard, going straight for the library, and I pull out the Greek mythology books I had brought in when I was looking for information on Selene.

There were rumors that Aphrodite was fixing a spell to bring Adonis back before Zeus did it for her. So I spend hours and hours browsing through pages, keeping notes of everything I thought will be useful to accomplish my goal.

Darkness has taken over the sky by the time I find the thing I am looking for. Unfortunately, I quickly realize that Aphrodite never finished the spell, let alone check its effectiveness.

Inraged, I grab the book and I throw it across the room. I bury my face in my hands and I let out a long breath.

As I calm down, I pull the pendant out of my pocket. I take it in my hand and I look at it. I start to wonder how it can communicate with Selene in the underworld? How can it connect to her? What if that connection is strong enough to also pull her out of there?

I get up again and I walk to a different area of the library. I pick every book I can find on death and afterlife. If this thing somehow makes it to her, either this or a spell has to be able to get her spirit out of there.

Then -according to Aphrodite's idea- once I have the soul, I can attach it to the body. However, she doesn't explain how to do it because she hadn't gotten there yet. So besides coming up with a way to pull Selene's spirit from the Underworld, I will have to figure out how to get it in her body too. At least I know where her body lies, so that's a start.

It is madness, it has a great chance of failure, and could potentially ruin the natural order of things but none of those things have ever stopped me before.

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