Chapter 13 - Selene

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As soon as Loki shuts the door after himself, I let out a long breath. I make my way to the bed and I sit down carefully. The bed itself is quite big and the mattress is really soft. The sheet are silky black. I knew it. I smile to myself.

I take one of the pillows and I wrap my arms around it. It smells just like him. I close my eyes and I take in a deep breath. My mind goes back and I let myself remember the gentle way he kissed all my scars.

No one has ever shown me so much care and affection. So now I'm stressing if I'm reading too much into this. I do tend to fall for attention.

It can't be a trick. It can't...

I take one more deep breath in his pillow. I stand up, still holding it, and I walk to the dresser. I keep the pillow against my chest with one hand and I go through the clothes one more time.

I pick out a blue gown. It is simple. It looks lightweight because of the sheer fabrics used on it. The waist is snatched and the A-line skirt reaches the floor. The sleeves are open and long. In various places throughout the fabric gemstones are stitched in.

I take the dress with me and I lay it on the bed. If it doesn't fit, I'm going to be very disappointed...


I take my final look in the mirror and I can't stop touching my dress. It fits perfectly, especially the tight part around my waist.

With a little magic, I make my hair wavy and I pin the front pieces on the back of my head in braids. The rest of them fall effortlessly on my shoulders. The contrast of the blue fabric under my silver hair and over my pale skin makes me look alive.

The sound of the door causes me to jump. "Wow..." Loki breathes out. His eyes keep scanning up and down my body a hundred times per second.

Warmth spreads in my chest. He has never looked at me like that, not even when I was naked and tied to the bed.

"I feel pretty" I admit

"You should" he replies and smiles.

He walks closer and takes my hand, stoping me from fidgeting.

"You look great as well. I don't think I've ever seen you in Asgard-proper clothes".

Green and gold. Leather and metal. Fresh fluffy hair with soft natural curls in them.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks

"Yes" I answer.

He holds my hand and leads me out of his room. I can't stop myself from looking over my shoulder at every step we take. Someone could walk in on us anywhere anytime.

"Stop worrying, we are in the clear" Loki reassures me

"Jokes on you, I never stop worrying" I pretend to laugh it off.

"Prepare yourself to be proven wrong in the near future"

I chuckle.

We go down several stairs until we reach the ground floor. We stop in front of two medium sized -in comparation to the rest of the place- golden doors.

They lead us outside. Beautiful gardens unfold in front of my eyes as we walk in further. There are so many things to see here, that Loki lets go of my hand and gives me freedom to explore the way I want to.

Colourful plants and flowers, perfectly shaped trees and bushes, pleasant scents. Bugs similar to butterflies and lightbugs fly around filling the place with more color and light. And that scenery stands under the bright moonlight.

"This one shimmers" I point out

"It does" Loki chuckles. "Your observation skills are better than I originally thought"

"Shut up" I smack his arm. "So, is this a date?" I wonder

"You wish" he smiles

"Or you wish" I point out

"Don't flatter yourself, Selene"

"Why shouldn't I? I look great. And you made all these for me, didn't you?"

He drops his head and I notice a slight rosy shade on his cheeks.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to make fun of you this time. It's sweet, really. Thank you" I say, locking my arm with his as we walk

"You're welcome" he whispers.

He leads me through the beautiful gardens, making sure I don't lose anything. And all the time, he looks at me with the softest gaze, like I'm the most important and fragile thing in the universe.

"I feel like I owe you a tour of Omnipotence City now" I joke as we reach the end of the tour

"No, you don't. I understand if you never want to go back there" Loki replies, rubbing my back

"Where is the Loki who wanted me to get him to Omnipotence City and meet Zeus?" I chuckle.

And suddenly, it hits me. All my insecurities and trust issues return to the surface. I see how wrong we are headed with this. It can't happen and I have to stop before it's too late.

Loki immediately picks up on my awkwardness and takes us back inside. "What's wrong?" he asks

"Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" I ask

"Because I want to be nice. Just last night, I learned what you've been through while you broke down in my arms, Selene. I don't mean I take pity on you, no. I still want to choke you and fuck the life out of you. I just know what it's like to grow up feeling shadowed by someone else's light, and believe you're always the one who's faulty. And that's not even the worst part for you..." he answers.

Tears form in my eyes. I hate how much he understands because I know I will attach to him if he keeps this on. I always catch feelings for the bare minimum, and the downfall is always catastrophic.

"Loki, I don't want you to feel bad for me. I don't want anything to change between us. Sure, we didn't quite get along but we were having amazing time together without talking emotions. I don't need anything more -anything serious. I don't want emotions and feelings.

"I appreciate your sweet efforts to make me feel better, but the only thing I want you to give me are orgasms so good that I can't even think of anything else outside of them. Emotionless orgasms. You are literally my escape from this awful world".

I put my hands on his chest and my mouth hovers over his lips. "So, please, don't feel bad for me. Hate me. Choke me and fuck the life out of me, like you promised" I whisper.

I lean closer and I kiss him softly. He kisses me back but keeps his hands to himself. A couple pecks later, he stops.

"No" he whispers, like he struggles to say it

"No?" I ask surprised


"I don't do emotional" I state taking a step back. "I've tried to trust people and it always ends up badly for me. And with you... The god of mischief... I'd rather be safe than sorry"

"Of course. Always the god of mischief..." he scoff and looks away

"I'm sorry, I didn't... Even if you were anyone else, I couldn't-- This is a problem of mine" I insist.

He nods and keeps his head down. He looks like he's thinking and he's silent. His silence is actually starting to make me anxious...

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