Chapter 18 - Loki

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Selene and I left right after her brother did. I tried to convince her to stay back, but I expected her to disagree. She and I arrived on Asgard as soon as possible.

"You stay behind me at all times, ok?" I say to her

"Sure" she replies and steps in front of me, already breaking her word.

I roll my eyes and I rush to her side. She's been here only once, but she seems to know her way around the place already. Without speaking, we both run to the throne room.

Just as we reach the golden doors, Selene disappears from my side. I turn to find her cornered by guards who have their weapons pointing at her. Her eyes start glowing and she is ready to turn all of them do dust in a matter of seconds.

"Stand down!" I order them before Selene could act

"She is an intruder" the General says

"Don't make me repeat myself! If even one touches her, I'll kill all of you myself" I threaten, raising my voice.

Selene's eyes stop glowing as the guards lower their weapons. She returns to my side and I lead her behind me as the guards get scattered.

"I was handling it..." she says hesitatingly

"I know. I was just making sure there were less casualties. Let's not give Odin more reasons to not like you" I explain as I place her hair behind her ear.

"Ok" she nods as I drop my hand.

She turns around and looks at the golden doors for a moment. On the other side there is Odin and probably her father. I notice her trying to swallow the knot in her throat.

"You don't have to come in if you--" I suggest

"No, it's just... Don't you think it's too quiet for two deadly enemies to be on the other side?" she wonders.

Without a second thought, I swing the doors open and we both step in. Odin and Hyperion are sitting silent.

"Finally!" Hyperion speaks as he stands up. "It took you two long enough" he adds as he steps forward.

Odin stays down. I notice Hyperion's eyes are locked on Selene as he walks to us, but she is frozen in place. Her hand is in a fist, and her knuckles are turning white. She is clearly uncomfortable.

With one step, I come in front of her right before Hyperion could touch her. He stops and stands face to face with me.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks, already getting angry

"Defending what you couldn't" I answer

"Step aside, boy"


"Loki, step aside" Odin finally speaks up

"No" I repeat without taking my eyes off Hyperion.

"Do you value your life? Because I will take it in the next few seconds if you don't leave" Hyperion threatens

"I've lost track of the times I've been killed, so go ahead, do your worst".

"Selene, we're going home" he says

"Leave her alone, coward. You're talking with me"

"Selene!" he yells and I feel her flinch from behind me.

"Enough!" Odin yells and stands up. "Selene is leaving with her father, Loki. That's the end of it" he orders

"She is definitely not"

"I'm afraid that is not on you to decide"


"Loki..." Selene intervenes with the lowest whisper.

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