Chapter 23 - Loki

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Luckily, we didn't hear from Selene's father ever since I slammed the door after him. At first I was grateful, but now the quiet seems suspicious. No one has bothered us during the last couple of weeks and it is concerning.

However, all of that will not matter very soon. I found a way for us to leave. She may not like it at first, I didn't either, but after thinking about the offer for a bit, it couldn't be any better.

Returning to Selene, I find her writing something as she sits at the kitchen table. I lean over her but before I could look she covers the paper with her hands.

"Since when do you sneak up like that?" she asks not happy with my action

"Since always" I remind her.

She rolls her eyes and starts folding the paper. "What is it?" I wonder

"It's for a friend" she answers, clearly lying

"You don't have friends, Selene"

"Of course I do"

"No. They are business, you told me that at the party you made me suffer through, remember?"

"She's in the hospital after a skiing accident, so I'm sending her wishes".

She is quick with those excuses but she hiding something. Why though?

"Alright, you don't want to tell me so let's move on" I suggest


"I said it's fine. I actually have an important matter we have to discuss"

"What's that?" she turns all her attention on me

"When are we leaving? I got everything ready".

She looks at me shocked. "Everything...?"

"Yes, everything. It's truly a beautiful place with advanced civilization and magical landscapes. We will have to take care of a little thing at first, but then we'll be set forever. It will be great". I caress her cheek "The question is are you ready to go?" I ask her.

By her face expression I can tell she is hesitating. She opens her mouth to speak but no voice comes out.

"Whatever is bothering you, I promise we will figure it out. But we have to go now. This is the biggest opportunity we'll ever get".

She stares at me with shiny eyes and presses her lips together. She shakes her head and steps away.

"I'm sorry, I..." she takes a seat. "You are right, this is our opportunity. I can't believe you actually did that for me. I don't deserve it" she says avoiding to look at me

I kneel in front of her and I hold her hands. "Of course you do, love"

"No, I... I haven't been completely honest with you lately".

Suddenly, I feel a tightness in my chest. And the next second, it comes to me; Hyperion's been quiet... They've been quiet because they are slowing dragging her on their side.

"Why, Selene?" I ask

"I couldn't stop thinking about my father's visit. So we started talking and... He is good, Loki" she explains

"Good at manipulating, sure" my reply is harsh

"Don't say that"

"It's the truth. I saw it happening right in front of my eyes when he visited. I can't believe you bought"

"I'm telling you, he wasn't lying. He isn't lying. We have talked and we have had a couple meetings--"

"Where was I?"

"I don't know, you were not here"

"So you ran up to daddy to replace the missing attention?". I regret my words as soon as they leave my mouth.

"Yeah, I deserved that" she says. "Maybe that's why I got stuck with you; you showed me attention"

"Stuck? Is that how you feel? Because if that's the case, you can walk away any time you want. I don't tend to pressure people into a relationship, which is a concept that your family is lacking in" I remind her

"I'm not talking to my whole family, I'm talking to my father" she corrects me

"Hm... And how long do you think it will take for him to drag you back in? Soon he'll start bringing your sister with him to your meetings. He'll try to bring you close, make you besties as you say. Then your brother, and then your mother. That will take a bit longer but eventually it will happen. Until you are fully conditioned and brainwashed".

She shakes her head and looks away. "I knew you'd react like this. That's why I didn't say anything..." she says

"No, you knew it was wrong, that's why you felt the need to hide it. And I'm not angry that you did it, I'm angry that you lied to me about it. I told you I'll support any decision you make, Selene, and you promised me that you weren't going to leave me in the dark on this. I'm scared because I've lived this before"

"No, you--"

"You are feeling slightly accepted by the people that hurt you, you are clinging onto that and you are willing to do things for them in order to feel more and more accepted and seem accomplished in their eyes each time. I'm sorry, but this is the truth"

"No, my father isn't like yours" she tries to argue but her eyes shine of tears. She knows I'm right, but she doesn't want to believe it.

I get close to her again and I hold her face. "You know I love you, and how much I would do for you. I want you to be happy, no matter what it takes. But this is something that will hurt you more. I am telling you, my love, I've been where you are. I've felt what you feel. And I don't want anyone to hurt you. I don't care who you see. I just want you to be ok".

A tear escapes her eyes and I wipe it immediately with my thumb. "I really miss my relationship with my father before everything went south" she admits

"I know, love. I know..." I hug her. She holds onto me tightly. "I am so sorry".

"I've told you before that my brother was the favorite, he always got everything. But my father tried. There was a time when I was his favorite. It didn't last long but I was someone's favorite--" her voice breaks in the end

"If it makes you feel any better, you are my favorite person in the whole universe".

She tightens her arms around me even more. "Thank you" she whispers. I kiss her head softly and I continue to hold her for as long as she needs.

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