Chapter 34

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If I loose myself I loose it all

I could feel a shift from within me . I felt stronger, faster. Powerful.

I felt powerful but then yet again, I felt this heaviness press me down and an unforseen darkness engulf me

I tried to scream for some given reason but then I felt as if my head was under water

Clips from my previous encounters started to piece themselves together

The mission, almost being sacrificed and Alaric shutting the damned door in order to make sure that I die

If that's not enough to give somebody depression then I don't know what is


I guess this is the point where I wake up again

"I see that you are finally awake now"


Both my eyes and throat hurt. Azriel seemed to have taken note of this and handed me a glass of water after shutting the blinds

I took time to savour that water because it felt so damn good as it went down my throat

Never have I ever thought that there would come a time where I would enjoy water this much

"Your injuries have healed quite nicely and surprisingly very fast if I may add"

He said as his eyes bored into mine

It was as if he knew about what had truly happened but noo, that was a far fetched thought. He wasn't even there with me during that mission to begin with ,so he couldn't possibly know

"Before you start with your very icy replies, I heard of what happened during that mission on the Island

I honestly didn't think that Alaric, your bonded, would have the guts to do what he did. That was wrong and completely evil and I assure you that he shall get what's coming to him

And just so you know, he happens to appear very sorry about his actions.

Another thing is that after your miraculous survival, you seemed to have sparked the attention of the council "

"How peachy"

"Solace, I don't think you realize the severity of the matter. You have sparked the attention of the council and things could end badly for you "

"If that means that I can finally end all of it then it doesn't sound that bad"

Why was he making a big deal out of things in fact , why on earth was he here in the first place acting as if he cares about what happens to me

"Now this is one thing about you that infuriates me Solace. You just don't give a fuck about anything and it drives me insane"

"Waiiit hold it there. Why are you acting as if we're in a relationship or something. It's my life and I choose and decide on how I want to live it

If you came here to judge me and lecture me on my life choices then I'll have to tell you to leave because so far, I have come to a conclusion that everyone here is either a cold blooded killer hiding under the guise that they are elites or that y'all are just insane"

"Are you even listening to yourself Solace? I am trying to help you"

That made me laugh

"And how have you tried to help me so far? Huh? How could you even possibly help me Azriel tell me

I already know for a fact that in one way or another I am going to end up dead , I just don't know when

I also know that y'all are trying to exploit me and use me in any way you can to save your hides

Yeah don't look all surprised. I know it all and I know that none of you can be trusted, so let's just save each other's time and stop all this crappy bullshit that you're about to spew"

He looked angry but then he also knew that I was right.

"You need an ally Solace "

"And who would you suggest ? You?"

"Yes , me. "

"Bullshit "

"I can protect you Solace and I can help you as you transition "

"Wait a damn minute, what do you mean when you say that you'll help me with the transition "

"I know about your awakening Solace"

"What awakening?"

"I know that when they left you outside that cave , you awakened your true self"

"Simple language Azriel "

"We both know that you aren't like other females Solace. You yourself know that you are different from everyone else and that from a very young age you knew that you were special

You were marked and that is why the academy had to get a hold of you before the darkness overwhelmed you"

"Simple language Azriel "

"You have the power to bring the entire world to it's feet Solace . The power to cause severe damage to the all the elites and supernatural beings in this galaxy Solace and that power if not handled and managed properly can cause catastrophic events and might be the cause of the end of the world as we all know it"


"I just told you that you have the power to cause the end of the world and you reply by saying a mere 'okay'? Damn you're either mad or a psychopath at its finest"

"What do you want me to say ? Do you want me to cry and look all scared and shocked. It's not like the news was shocking at all though. And besides maybe I should destroy the earth and kill off all of you . That way I can enjoy the peaçe and silence.

Maybe I could even create a new species that would simply be under my rule or better yet, I could just let hell reign on earth and watch you all suffer .

Aah the countless possibilities "

I joked but I don't think Azriel took it that way instead he had a mortified look on his face

He didn't really think that if do all that right?

I know that I may be evil but damn I'm not that evil

Can't he just take a simple joke or something


"Solace, you do realize that by saying that you can end up dead right?"

"I was joking gosh, and besides you're probably tweaking

There was no awakening that occured and I don't have any of these abilities that you speak of otherwise I would have probably ended Alaric the moment that door opened"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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