Chapter 22

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"Cut the crap Alaric and tell me what you truly want before I kick you out of this place"

"It's a good thing that you still have some brains in that head of yours. I, playing the pitiful part is definitely not like me at all"

"Two minutes. All I'm giving you is two minutes before I kick your sorry ass out"

"Fine then. I know about the shadows that you've been seeing for most of your life"

That statement caught me off guard. Why would he talk about the shadows. Nobody ever believed me

"What shadows"

"Don't play dumb Solace, you know what I'm talking about"

"What about them"

"Rumors from above have it that the shadows cannot hurt you"

That made me laugh.

"And who told you that insane lie"

"You breathing is proof enough. Nobody has ever survived more than a week after encountering the shadows yet here you are alive and kicking. I also know that the shadows low key help you fight"

"Why would the shadows help me fight against their own Alaric. Have you ever asked yourself that question "

"I took don't understand,but after experiencing your hits firsthand, I can tell that that strength is definitely not human "

"And so what do you want me to do about this. Your time is running out"

"Protection "


"Yes protection "

"Protection from whom?"

"The shadows. We are bonded Solace and I know that up ahead we are going to encounter some pretty messed up shit and I accept that I am not as strong as I thought I was"

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a piece of shit?"

I walked towards the kitchen to look for something to eat

On opening the kitchen drawers, I couldn't help but feel angry.

They couldn't even stalk up this so called kitchen

I opened the fridge and the only thing that was there was water and some cans of beer.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and took a bottle of water instead.

I picked another for Alaric and tossed it at him

It was unfortunate that he had good reflexes though.

I wanted the bottle to hit his sad excuse of a head


"My answer is no"

"You cannot tell me no!"

"It's my choice on whether or not I protect you and besides ,how sure I'm I that you would hold your end of the bargain, not that I need you in the first place"

"You need me out there Solace"

"Alaric, you and I both know clearly that it's the other way around. I don't need you but you, you need me and your scared of admitting it"

The distance between us gradually lessened as we spoke

I only realized it when very little space was left between us.

Everything else was silent and all one could here was the sound of our breathing and rapidly beating hearts

I took time to look at him as in truly look at him as a man and not my enemy or as a threat

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