Chapter 7

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Another chapter. Warning some disturbing shit is up ahead. So if you're not comfortable kindly skip imma put up warnings.

It's been two weeks six days seven hours and forty three minutes since they put me on mandatory observation in another safe house or something. I didn't bother to ask or remember the details after I agreed to that man's demands.

The house that I was in was kind of pretty decent. It had two spacious bedrooms a legit living room,a kitchen , two bathrooms ,a study room ,a piano room and a training room.

I know ,I know,why does it sound like I'm living in a luxurious villa instead of a boring dorm room with other students or should I say residents of this place.

Well the answer is pretty simple I guess.

I'm supposedly one of the biggest threat they have in this area and I'm supposedly unstable and if I'm provoked I could set the whole damn school on fire.

Maybe thats why they haven't let me out during this entire time.

Gosh I don't even remember how it feels to just feel the sun rays against my skin or feel the rain drops or feel the wind ripple through my clothes.

I guess I'm in a beautiful prison. How delightful. Note the sarcasm.

As I played random keys on the piano ,my mind drifted to when I turned thirteen. Yeah.

My mother had finally lost her shit and by that I mean the demons and shadows finally made her go mad

From the nightmares to the torment to the manifestations but what finally broke her is when they murdered my step father.

He was a prick though but mom loved him.

Warning:messed up shit. If you feel uncomfortable you can skip.

Let me tell you the prick part of him. He was an abusive asshole who always made it his purpose to blame my mother for everything. He'd steal her saved up money ,beat her, curse at her and tell her that nobody loved her apart from him and that nobody would accept her or me because we're both so fucked up in the head.

But in one fucked up way or another,she always forgave him after he gave her some lame ass apology.

That's was when I first looked up the word toxic.

Messed up shit right.

Now onto how he died. Mahn I love that memory.

Well the prick finally noticed my existence and he tried to...

Let's just say that didn't sit right with the shadows and demons around me.

Sadly mom was there and watched the entire because she had what I call 'the sight' .

She watched as they broke all of his limbs from the inside and how his eyes were plucked out and crushed into ashes and how his member was cut off then force fed to him and how they peeled off his flesh bit by bit until there was nothing but bones and finally how he was dragged into a fiery pit of hell.

It's safe now😂💔

I guess that's what damaged her.

She didn't speak to me for an entire week. She seemed so detached to the outside world. All she did was stare at the place where it all took place.

While this all happened I was the one who took care of her. The harsher shadows also disappeared during this period leaving behind the quieter ones.

One of my mom's friends  just happened to visit a week later and when she saw the state of my mom, she called an ambulance.

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