Chapter 33

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Embodiment of darkness huh

This was interesting. Very interesting. My eyes wondered around and all that I was met with was charred trees and a huge mess probably caused by whatever cause this entire mess

It must definitely suck to be the one to clean this place

My eyes then darted to the tightly shut door. Those weaklings were probably scared shitless hiding behind it.

Maybe I should bring the door down and unleash some of the darkness that was within me in order to scare them

That sounds fun.

Maybe that would make me feel slightly better because I mean, they did shut me out and left me here to die so I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I returned the favour now would they

The only problem was, I didn't even know how to use this so called power that I had within

Was I supposed to clap my hands or utter a spell just like witches do. Or was I supposed to imagine what I  wanted to happen in order for it to work out

"Don't even think about it Solace"

Yeah, I almost forgot about my so called 'guardian demon'

"You do know that you're not helping at the moment"

"Your thoughts are a bit too evil "

"You do realize that you are a demon righ so you should be encouraging me instead" I spat as I rubbed my sore arm

"You do realize that I was joking when I said that I was your guardian demon right"

"Don't even start. Just make yourself scarce , I'm trying to plot right now"

"This is going to be a long day"

"Shut up!"

I then wondered how I should react when the door was opened, because I mean, I look half dead and I'm sure that the amount of  blood that I was covered in wasn't little

I probably looked like I had been through hell

I don't even want to imagine the state of my body

Hopefully I didn't have any scars or bruises on my face .

Even in battle , I made sure that none of the scars or cuts would be on my face.

It was one of the few places on my body that I didn't want to be ruined by the marks and scars

Should I scare them? Or should I just look at each and every one of them dead in the eye and kill them with my coldest glare

My thought process was interrupted when I saw the door move slightly

They were opening it

That's when I realized that the sun was starting to rise.

Come on. Open the door. See me !

The door was finally completely opened and let me tell you my favorite part of it

My favorite part was the look of horror that was on Alaric's face

He looked horrified and I loved every second of it

I watched as he told the two elites that he was with to stand back and wait.

He took cautious steps as he approached me, his hand tightly holding his divinium coated sword.

Did he think that I would bite him or something

Okay I know that I am somewhat dangerous and all but I'm not stupid enough to attack him

Heck, even if I wanted to attack him, I didn't know how to now that I had all this power within me

I know that it sounds silly ,because I had been in war and slayed all my enemies in cold blood and in the most horrific ways, but let's just be real.

I was injured and I probably couldn't even stand on my own and I was also pretty sure that I was minutes away from loosing consciousness because I happened to be human

So I did the only thing I knew how to do best

I gave him a cold blank stare and smiled coldly

Which by the way made him stand still . Meaning that I sky have underestimated the power of my eyes

"Solace, are you in there?"

"In where? Was this man blind or just stupid. If I wasn't here then where was I supposed to be"

I scoffed

"Solace if you can hear me say something"

At this point maybe I should play with his psychology a bit


I called out softly which made me nearly puke . My voice sounded so unnatural.

Note to self. Never use this voice again

"Solace, fuck!"

And then he did something completely unexpected.

He embraced me

Alaric fucking embraced me

You know when I saw him running towards me I thought that he wanted to finally end me and that  this was the point where I channel whatever darkness I had and either dodge his sword or kill him and end it all but then he did the complete opposite

His hold on me didn't loosen instead he held me even tighter and kept on whispering in my ear that everything was going to be okay

I was beyond confused

This wasn't the Alaric that I knew.

The Alaric that I knew wanted to kill me. The Alaric that I knew always wanted me to suffer

Heck, the Alaric that I knew shut the door shut and left me out here to die.

So who on earth was this, because this wasn't Alaric

"Everything is going to be okay"

He kept on repeating these six words as if it were a mantra and at some point I thought that he was probably telling himself so

That's when I took time to take a proper look at Alaric and I realized something

He actually wasn't ugly

In fact if he wasn't such an asshole and a horrible person, he was actually like really handsome

And there was just something about his eyes and the way they bored into mine as he whispered that everything will be okay

This was just...

I felt my throat becoming parched and I felt a stuffy feeling coming from within

"Focus on my voice Solace. I need you to come back to me ."

Why was he saying this.

Whatever he was saying reminded me of some sappy soap drama that my mother use to watch

Where the female lead would be stuck in some sort of comma and the male lead was trying to wake her up, better yet, the female lead was either unconscious after getting shot or something.

Then the male lead would say all those sappy things to wake her up .

And now here was Alaric,  acting as if I was in some sort of daze or some sort of coma and he was trying to wake me up


I said as I looked into his eyes

"Don't give in to the darkness"

"Its already too late for that"

I found myself answering before I could think


"You caused this, don't you ever forget that"

And with that everything turned fuzzy .

At least I held out long enough

"I need back up now!!!!?"

And with that I let go....

And decided to take a nap

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