Chapter 23

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The way his eyes roamed all over my body didn't feel right. What was up with him?

"Azriel snap out of it. I change my mind. I don't want to die so let's go"

He seemed to not understand what I was saying

Maybe he went into shock or something

"Azriel we need to go now!"

He then looked back to the shadow that suddenly stopped growling

He muttered something that I couldn't quite understand and surprising ,that made the shadow leave.

At this point I was just going to assume that he had some insane ability to be able to do that.

I mean, I would definitely be the last person to point fingers at him for being associated with the darkness because I , literally had darkness within me.

The building were still burning and I could still hear the ammunition sounding from a distance

It seemed to be that the shadows had infiltrated this place from the front and thus that was where a lot of the commotion was taking place.

"Azriel, I don't know where the emergency escape room is. If I did, I would have already left your sorry ass, so whatever shock you're in you better snap out of it now!"

That seemed to have brought him back.


He looked unsure as he called out my name.

If it wasn't for the current situation we were in, I would have hurled dozens of insults at him for acting slow.

"Good, you can speak now let's move otherwise we might get caught by the enemy"

He held my arm and we proceeded to run to where I assumed was the emergency escape room

As we neared the building, I couldn't help but notice the damage that was made

The buildings that once stood tall were now reduced into a pile of ashes while others were still ablaze

The air was no longer pure and clean but instead it was filled with smoke and a heavy metallic stench of blood

Having being placed in the furthest area away from all the buildings must have been one of the reasons that made me believe that the attack wasn't that big.

The evidence of scattered limbs was enough to make me feel dumb

But the key question was, how did the shadows managed to infiltrate the academy

Didn't the school have an impenetrable security system,not to forget about the traces of divinium present all over the school

Something wasn't adding up

What if this entire thing was planned out.

What if the enemy had been among the members of the academy the entire time and nobody noticed

"We've arrived, but we also have company at the entrance."

On looking ahead, mutilated and rotting faces of what I assumed were manifestations of the shadows plagued my vision

They seemed to be more than hundreds if not thousands

How did so many of them manage to get in

"I have a plan, but it will require you to trust me completely, can you do that Solace. Do you trust me?"

"I don't have any choice, do whatever it is you have to do"

"Stay right here and don't move "

I did as instructed, thinking that maybe he would request for back up but what happened instead left me speechless

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