Chapter 14

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Quick shout out to ThairiGrooms and Mponemash for voting


Maybe I should just end this here .


" Nobody would care anyways"


"They might probably be happy about this"

"Snap out of it Solace ,it's over!"

My eyes darted to the source of those words.

It was Killian and his bonded Lorenv.

They were the only two elites that I didn't feel like murdering so far.

They too were covered in blood but unlike the dark red substance that covered me, theirs was an unsightly green.

Must have come from all the darklings they slayed.


"You really are a peculiar little thing" Killian said as he approached me as he held out some wipes towards me.

He did it cautiously though in fear that I was still in my killing craze and would attack him

"Remember to proceed with caution, Killian, remember that she is dangerous"Lorenv joked as he took out the chains .

I know ,chains. Well it's something they do, according to them it's protocol and all but I knew the truth behind it.

They were terrified in a way

In my defense, I blame the dead bodies around me

"Lorenv ,you never cease to irritate me" I scoffed.

Yeah yeah I know. Why I'm I talking to them I such a casual wayand how do I even know them

Well, they were sent here about six months ago to keep me grounded and by that I mean, they were to kill me if my level of insanity proceeded to increase

"We are just trying to do our jobs here baby girl" Lorenv smirked as he kicked my sword away.

Killian took this opportunity to bind my hands with the chains laced with divinium.

" And here I thought that we were friends" I scoffed as Lorenv administered some divinium in my bloodstream through a needle.

"Well I don't want you to accidentally snap my neck" Killian laughed as he lead me to what I assumed was the camp in which the elites stayed

"Why do you still bind my hands whenever you take me back to camp?"I asked

" Protocol"

"Let me guess, they are scared of me"

"Of course not. They aren't scared"

"They are terrified and some say that you give them nightmares"

"And to think that you're the supposed elites"I scoffed

"You are apart of us you know"

"Oh really now, then why was I segregated away from all of you and put into squads that are full of normal people who can bleed and die"


"Stop. I know this system is fucked up and it's literally unfair most especially towards you but just give them a break Solace"

"Just shut the fuck up Killian and take me to the camp. You are the last person who should be telling me to give them a break so give that lame speech to someone who gives a fuck"

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