Chapter 11

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Don't let the darkness consume you. Don't let the sadness overwhelm you. Don't let the madness overtake you. Don't let the chaos recreate you.


That's the only thing I felt in the darkness . I tried every possible way to evade it and escape it but I couldn't. So the only thing I could do was let go and embrace it.

I was past the stage of being afraid and hoping to be saved and so, I let it reign.

"Wake up Solace!"

My mind went blank and soon I saw the light.


I pried my eyes open and let them get accustomed to the light.

I looked at my surroundings and realised that I was back to my new room.

I wonder who brought me here cause it was most definitely not Alaric.

I twisted my toes and stretched out. On doing so I confirmed that I was truly alive

My eyes darted towards my arm. Instead of an unsightly burnt mark, there was a faint single white line .

I guess they must have healed me.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty"

That voice.

It was the man in the cloak and he still sounded sarcastic as ever.

"What are you doing in here"I rasped out as I sat upright

" So noisy"

He began walking towards the window . Wait, was he going to jump? But honestly,I wouldn't be surprised if he did. He did kind of look a little bit off in the head.

"You're the one that brought me here"

I couldn't help but question as I got acquainted with my surroundings

"That is correct"

"And you healed me?"

"In a way,but your shadows did most of the work"

"The shadows don't heal, they destroy" I spat out venomously.

He gave me a strange look before turning away

"Your 'bonded' is about to arrive. I suggest you freshen up before he gets here "

"Wait how did you even get in here?"

"Too many questions oh and keep this interaction of ours a secret. I wouldn't want anyone to know of our encounters "

"Cocky much"

"Your tongue might get you into a lot of trouble in this place, I suggest you tame it before someone else does that for you"he said .

His smug look said it all . He knew that Alaric hated my guts and looked down on me and that probably gave him the idea of me somehow being scared him

"I am not afraid of any of you "

"Trust me you will, see you soon little mouse oh and you'll need this today "

He dug out a small locket from his pocket and threw it towards me not caring whether or not it would hit me

"Wear it".


"Put the damn locket on,"


I put it on blindly not bothering to ask any more questions. This man had an effect on me. An effect that I didn't like at all

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