Chapter 3

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Shout out to DivinationQueen

For those who don't read the author's notes,,I don't judge you because I too have the same problem 😂 but as I proceed, all this is purely fiction and it's also an original piece of work from yours truly.

If you come across any conspiracy theory ,bare with me because hey ,it's just a book. I have no proof whatsoever so don't come at me. But feel free to imagine that it's real.

Oh and because I haven't had some romance in my life for quite some time now 😂😂😂😂 ,for the first time ever in the history of my books ,I shall include some pretty cheesy,sweet and romantic moments when the moment comes so stay tuned

"Wake up sleepy head rise and shine,we need to hurry otherwise we'll get late for the first class"

Wake up? Did I actually fall asleep. If so ,then why didn't I have any nightmares better yet why don't I feel numb. Instead,I feel kind of heavy and disoriented

I sat up suddenly causing me to feel insanely dizzy.

Note to self: Torture whoever woke me up

My fingers subconsciously wandered to my nose yet felt nothing.

I looked at the clothing,which happened to be a white nightdress,and ...

Wait a damn minute.

This wasn't what I was wearing previously and I don't remember falling asleep or being in this room that was painted pink. I'm In a room that is painted pink! The sheets are pink,the blanket is pink ! Everything apart from my night dress is pink.

I was fucking drugged and somebody changed me. Meaning they saw me naked! I'm twenty for ducks sake and some human saw me naked.

The writing and symbols. They probably saw that too.

However despite being 'violated', I realized that there was no blood in the dress.


For a girl who has had severe nosebleeds in her sleep and is used to waking up in a mini pool of her own blood,this was definitely weird.

My eyes then locked onto thoney brown ones.

So this is the human that disrupted the most peaceful sleep I ever had

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Her eyes showed the confusion she was probably feeling.

I took a good look at her and instantly disliked her.

I know,I know,it's not good to judge people based on their appearance but sheesh, give me a break.

Judging from the way her black and white pleated skirt looked and how her black straightened hair gleemed if that's even a word, I could already tell her faults. Blame it on my terrible experiences with people.

She's a backstabbing female version of man's best friend if you know what I mean

If you don't ,then good. Let's keep it that way and I can tell that she is very vain and if I comment on how she looks she will probably start bragging about how she just got her hair done and how her skirt was designed and custom made

"You're very beautiful"I said and smiled making myself look meek an demure.

"Why thank you. I just got my hair done recently and had one of the best designers make me this custom sized skirt a..."

Told ya

She looks slightly dumb not that I'm being mean or anything. Okay,I am being mean but that's a good thing

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