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It was Halloween in the inkwell isles and you couldn't wait to go trick or treating with the cup and mug..and chalice..chalice like last year just changed into a ghost..mugman was going as a pirate this year and you and the cup..boy did you too have an idea.

The cup was going as a vampire and you were going to be his victim.
You and the cup were at your cottage and the mug and chalice were at elder kettles on their way to pick you and the cup up to go out.
You had made a fake bite mark on your neck and fake blood on your clothes.
The cup turned two of his teeth into actual fangs for vampire teeth and wore a Cape he bought with his chore nickels.
"How do I look baby?"
You looked at the cup with a blush.
His light grey Cape with purple brims..his fangs..he made a good vampire.
"Really good..you make a really good vampire"
"Heh thanks baby ya make a good victim if I do say so myself!"


"That's mugsy and chalice!"
"I'll get it"
You replied you and the cup grabbed your trick or treating buckets and went to the door opening it however it wasn't the mug and chalice it was a kid and their parent.
"Trick or treat!"
The kid cheered.
"Oh cuppy can you get the candy on the counter?"
"Sure can!"
The cup bolted over and grabbed the Halloween candy from the table coming back over he gave the kid a handful.
"There ya go buddy"
"Thank you Miss and mister!"
The kid happily thanked.
"I like your costumes! You look like a very cool vampire! But..what are you?" The mother asked
"I'm his victim.."
The kid seemed to get upset by this..
"Oh..uhh..right right.." she quickly lead her son away.
"Weird what was that about?"
You and the cup saw mugman and chalice approach.
When the got close enough they noticed you both already out the front of the cottage.
"Y/N! Cuphead! Hiya!" Chalice greeted
"Hi cuphead hi Y/N!" Mugman greeted
"You guys ready to go?" Chalice asked
"You bet!" You replied
"Nice vampire costume cuphead!" Mugman complemented
"Thanks mugsy I like your pirate costume!"
Cuphead replied
"What are you supposed to be Y/N?" Chalice asked
"I'm cupheads victim? I thought the bite made it obvious.."
You replied saddened that what you were wasn't obvious.
"Me n baby are doin a couples costume ya know like? King and Queen but vampire and vampire victim?"
The cup explained.
"Ohhhh" chalice replied
"Don't you too think it's a bit..inappropriate? For little kids?"
Mugman asked
You and the cup looked at eachother then back at them.
"It is?"
You both replied in unsion.
"Well yeah I mean..you are covered in fake blood..there's lots of little kids around Y/N" chalice stated.
"So? It's Halloween! There ain't no rules in what you can dress up as! If anyone has a problem with it they can take it up with me it was my idea! And anyway if ya want to be like that I'm pretty sure bein half ghost is cheatin for a costume!"
The cup declared

"Jeepers cuphead I'm sorry" chalice stated

"Hey hey! Stop Arguing! Leave chalice alone cuphead let's have a nice night!"
The mug stated.
The cup grumbled but nodded.
You took the candy bowl from the cup and put it somewhere for the kids to help themselves.
The 4 of you went on your way collecting candy and trick or treating.
Every house however seemed to disagree with your costume one way or another.
You had enough candy anyway..
"Hey guys I'm gonna head home"
"What why? Stay baby!"
"Nah I'm pretty tired"
"Already?!" Mugman asked
"It ain't even that late!"
"The fun hasn't even started yet!" Chalice stated
"Ohh I'm sure you guys can have alot more fun without me slowing you down..goodnight"
You turned around and started heading back home.
"Baby wait!"
The cup ran after you and stopped infront of you making you stop..you noticed chalice and mugman watching behind you.
"Whats goin on? Why do ya wanna go home early? I thoughts we were havin fun bein vampire and vampire victim!"
Cuphead asked
"It's just..for the best..I'll see you tommorow okay?"
You moved to the side and kept walking.
"B-but I wanted tah trick or treat with youu!~"
You stopped and turned.
His poochy eyes as they welled up.
"I wanted to trick or treat with you too but-"
"Then why are you goin~?"
Aww his lips were quivering.
"I don't want to start fights with parents because they don't like my costume and I don't want you to either..I don't want to ruin the fun.."
The cups body relaxed and he calmed himself down.
He walked over to you and took your hand in his yellow glove.
"Baby..let's just go somewhere else.. don't stop trick or treating cause some parents are bein joiks!..please?..you really wanted to come out tonight..and I think you look amazin"
You blushed with a smile and a nod.
The cup lead you back over to the mug and chalice and pulled you infront of them to the next house.
Mugman and chalice followed behind after shrugging at eachother.
Cuphead knocked on the door which soon opened.
"Trick or treat!"
You both said in sync.
"Wow nice costumes! Vampire and his victim you scored good!."
"Sure did~ see told ya baby!"
You odder okay so maybe not every house hated your costume..it made you feel better.
Mugman and chalice came up behind.
"Trick or treat!" They said in sync to.
"a ghost and a pirate nice! Here you go guys...."
He gilled up your bags with a handful each.
"oh there's more houses up that way if you want heeps of candy their giving out full blocks of chocolate and stuff for the bigger kids..don't go that way though cause all those houses have little toddlers and stuff"
The guy said
"Thank you!" Cuphead cheered
"Thanks!" You replied
"Cheers!" Chalice stated
"Have a nice night sir Thank you!" Mugman stated
The 4 of you walked in the direction he said and for the rest of the night there wasn't any more problems or nasty comments about your costume and by the end of the night your buckets were overflowing.

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