Date Night 🍋

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Requested by Rune286


It was date night..and you couldn't wait you had picked your fanciest but also casual clothes to wear wearing a nice shirt and tracksuit pants with a matching hoodie as it was a cold night you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You hoped it would be okay..
*Knock knock*
He was here..
You took a deep inhale and exhale and approached the door.
"You got this Y/N"
You opened the door and there he was staring up at you he however looked you up and down as his black pupils went larger.
A lump formed in your throught and the cup gulped nervously.
"You look adorable baby"
The cup was wearing his blue sweater that he wore at the haymaze with his red shorts but he held a bouquet of flowers 💐.
"I-uh brought ya some flowers"
He held out the bouquet 💐.
You smiled and gently took the flowers.
"Thank you cuppy do you want to come inside while I put them in a vase?"
"Uhuh uhuh sure!"
You lead the cup inside and he waited as you removed the dead flowers putting them in the bin and replaced them with the new ones.
"There nice and where are we going?"
"Now why would I tell ya that? That's cheatin!"
The cup walked over and grabbed your hand leading you to the door.
When you left you locked it and let the cup lead you to the city to a restaurant?..
He happily replied leading you into the restaurant and to a table sitting you across from him he pushed your chair in making you blush then got on a chair himself.
You looked around the was fancy how did the cup afford this? Or think of this?.
"Did elder kettle and mugman help you with this?"
The cup shook his head.
"Nope! I was walkin in the city with mugsy and elda kettle gettin ice cream when I saw it!"
Cuphead happily replied
"Why dontcha like it?"
"I think it's very fancy cuppy"
The cup smiled happily and passed you a menu.
"Thank you"
"Ya welcome!"
You both looked in the menus.
"So baby what do ya wanna eat?"
"Well I'm not's all a bit expensive"
"So? Oh oh! why don't we have da couples meal! Then we can share somethin"
"Okay..I like that idea!"
Cuphead smiled wider.
A waiter walked over.
"Hi there are you ready to order?" She asked.
"We'll take the couples meal thanks!"
Cuphead declared
" will be ready soon"
She looked a little disgusted by you both but walked didn't care anyway.
You and the cup just talked and had a laugh before the food came a big plate was layed down with chips, a burger to share and little chocolate shaped like love hearts with small ice creams to share.
You and the cup dug in at one point he insisted on sharing chips off his fork but by the end you were both happy and full.
"Yum..that was great..thanks cuppy"
"Your welcome baby..come on let's pay"
He took your hand and lead you to the counter.
"One couples meal..that will be $25"
Cuphead shuffled through his pocket and pulled out some cash and put it down.
The women counted.
"Your missing $15 dollars sir"
Cupheads pupils shrunk.
"This must be a mistake i counted befores I came I had 40! In case!"
The women recounted.
"Oh shoot my bad ha maths is not my strong point I am so sorry here's your change"
The women passed back 15 as the cup had passed 40.
"It's alright math ain't my baby's strength eitha or mine ha baby?"
"No it's understandable"
"Have a good night bye"
"Come on baby let's go home"
Cuphead lead you out the door of the restaurant and towards both of your homes.
"..say..uh..cuppy? you want to stay at mine tonight? It's cold and your cottages a bit further away from mine"
"I'd love to baby! I think that's an awesome idea! Especially after our date a snuggle would be neat! I'm sure elda kettle and mugsy won't mind anyways they'd figure enough I stayed with ya"
You looked down at the cup with a loving smile
"I really enjoyed that date cuppy do you want me to pay you back?"
"Pfft no it's a date baby I'm glad ya had a great time..say how's about we go to that triple movie feature tommorah night as anothah date?"
"That-that sounds great! I've always wanted to go to one of those"
"It's sorted! I'll tell elda kettle tommorah"
He then smirked at you mischieviously.
"It's a horror movie~"
You blushed a little he knew you liked horror even though it scared you that's probably why you like it.
"O-oh? And what movie is it?"
"If I told ya it wouldn't be a suprise now would it baby?"
The too of you were close to your home now.
"No..I suppose not but-"
"Ta ta ta ta I'm sure you can wait till tommorah"
He chuckled a bit.
"I wondah if ya gonna hide in my shirt or not heh or behind your hands! Ya know its cute when ya do that!"
You rolled your E/C eyes a little.
"You think everything I do is cute cuppy"
"That's cause it is and you are!"
The cup looked up at you but shook of his thought as you Unlocked your front door and let you both in.
You were both to tired to get changed or get cleaned so you both went to your room were you snuggled but...something was couldn't sleep..
"I can't sleep"
"Neitha can I baby"
You pulled away from the cups chest that you were snuggled in and looked up at him.

He looked down at you and within a few seconds the cup wacked his beige lips onto yours and got ontop of you.
The kissing became heated before the cup pulled away both panting the slightest.
"Ya want it?"
He grinned with an eyebrow raise, you nodded.
"That ain't an answah"

The cup smirked triumphantly and kissed you again only to imbetween breaks take your hoodie, shirt and your bra off as well as his shirt.
But then he froze and broke the kiss.

"We cain't.."
You looked confused.
"I don't have any protection on me.."
"Unless..ya wanna do the othah  side?"
You thought about did hurt alot last time but you both really wanted this..
"I..might have some?..check the draws.."
So he did he checked them even went out to look around the house but none were found.
Cuphead returned.
"Sorry baby I cain't finds any we'll have ta just do it tommorah aftah the movies"
"No? Whatdya mean no?"
"Do it now..on the other side.."
"But baby it hurt ya last time I don't  wanna hurt ya!"
"No buts none of em..lets get our clothes back on.."
The cup scooped his shirt on and put it back on passing you your clothes.
"Cuppy please-"
"No it hurts ya to much!"
"No No it doesn't it hurts alot at the start Yes but then some of the pain fades"
He seemed to think about it.
"Cuppy come know you want to please..I'm begging you.."
He looked at you now and your eyes locked.
"Beggin me ha?"
He smirked again.
You nodded.
"Ya really wanna lay in the hay right now dontcha?"
"Y-yes.." You nervously replied
He went back to thinking then sighed.
"Oh alright only Cause ya beggin~"
He removed his shirt again and you dropped the clothes back on the floor as he climbed up into the bed.
The cup took his shorts off and his boxers then tore your tracksuit pants and underwear off.
He looked at you dead in the eyes.
"You know what to do..turn ovah"
"You promise to be gentle?"
"I wouldn't dream of bein rough..on dis side anyways" He winked you blushed but nodded.
Taking a deep inhale you went on your hands and knees.
"Bow down~"
You did as you were told..he was your alpha..
"Aw bannana oil~"
"Nuttin ya just look really..Mm.. I cain't take it!"
He grabbed your hips and pushed inside.
There was that burning feeling!.
You hugged your pillow.
"It's alright baby i'll go nice and slows remembah?"
He waited a while then started to thrust back and forth into your behind.
"I know..I know.."
As he continued to move you dug your nails into the bed covers.
"Dis was a bad idea.."
He went to pull away but you looked back at him.
"no no please..k-keep going.."
"Are ya sure?"
You nodded.
The cup nodded.
"Alright if dats what ya really want~"
He continued now.
The bed creaked a bit as he was again being gentle.
"Ugh cuppy~"
The cup grunted.
"At least we can..agree..dis side..ain't our..favourite!~"
You nodded as the cup thrusted your butt into the bed.
"Ugh ah cuppy!~"
"Hold on so-damn close baby!"
Cuphead sped up a little bit to speed up the process.
"Cuppy!~ ow ow ow ow!"
You gasped throwing your head back a bit.
"Aw baby!!~"
Your behind filled with warmth and with a few more warm thrusts the cup pulled out and sat down on your bed panting.
You turned over and did the same..
You both looked at eachother.
"No more of dat side evah again it hurts ya to much"
You nodded in agreement.
The cup helped you get changed and got changed himself as well as cleaned the mess before you both collapsed on the bed together snuggling and falling asleep.

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