Don't Play Games 🍋

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Requested by angeldust4833


You were hanging out at home today drawing in your books and reading adventure stories this was your first day back at home from the harsh winter that you luckily had spent with the brothers due to cuphead request.
Cuphead had been inseparable with You during the winter making sure you were warm and comfortable.
But due to the fact you stayed at the brothers home you shared your hunted food with the 3 as well meaning later you would have to go and hunt for more.
Finishing the book you were reading you decided to get it done now rather then later standing up and leaving your cottage home you shut the door behind you.
Changing into raptor form you shook off your scales it felt good to change again after winter you flared your nose to catch different scents and bolted off into the forest to hunt.
After a while of running the scent of deer and squirrel entered your nose.
Squirrels were easy to hunt so you should hunt those first..doing just that you made a pile of your prey to take home once complete you went off and hunted deer, rabbit and more as stock.
Soon once you had enough you moved your killed prey home..
once home you removed the parts you couldn't eat as a human such as bone,organs etc and disposed of them back in the forest before skining and doing the process once this was done you changed back to human covered in blood you took the edible bits of the animals and took them inside to cook.
Cooking them on the stove was easy as pie and once the meat was cooked which took a while for some pieces you wrapped it up and put it in the fridge.
Looking down at yourself and noticing you were covered in blood you decided to go for a shower.
Turning the stove off and putting the lasts of the cooked meat in the fridge you grabbed some clean clothes from your bedroom and entered the bathroom shutting the door behind you,you stripped off and turned the water on cleaning yourself up from the blood and smell.
Once clean you got out and dried yourself off with a towel when a knock on the door occurred.
"Give me a minute I'm busy!!"
You called and went to get changed but another knock occurred.
You huffed and wrapped yourself up in a towel and left the bathroom to the front door but didn't open it.
"Who's there?" You asked
"Baby! It's me!"
"Cuphead what are you doing here?" You asked
"Can ya open the door?"
"Because I'm wrapped up in a towel!"
"So? It ain't like I haven't seen ya body before ya know! Also..why is dhere a bunch of blood n stuff are you okay?"
"I went hunting.."
"Oh. Can ya open da door?"
You sighed but opened the door the cup looked up at you.
"Thank you baby" He entered the house so you shut the door.
"Whats going on?"
"I missed ya!"
"It's only been a day"
"We were togetha all wintah it felt weird not havin ya in da cottage even elda kettle and mugsy said da cottage didn't feel right without ya"
"Uhuh I struggled ta sleep cause you weren't there eitha I was used ta snuggling~" the cup whined as he went for a hug.
"Wow wow hold on I'll go and get changed then you can hug me you aren't hugging me when I'm in a towel"
"Yes I am!"
He hugged you so you made sure the towel didn't went pink..
"Ya need ta stop tellin me what to do ya ain't da boss in dis relationship"
"Then who is?"
"I thought we hads dis discussion last month when ya wanted me ta sing!"
"What discussion?" You played should have known not to though you should have known..
The cup gave you a look but then smiled with a slight eyebrow raise.
"Ya know ya ain't in tha position to be playin with me huh?"
You gulped a little with a nervous smile back.
"Cause all it takes is a littllllle~"
He pushed you gently onto the floor.
"Ain't so tough now huh?"
You blushed up and made sure your body stayed covered with the towel He shook his head side to side with a smile.
"Naw baby ya know that ain't gonna help I'm stronga then you when your a human"
"alright-o-okay you win jeez-just let me get changed-"
"Tch tch tch tch as if I'm lettin dat slide"
"I'm gonna remind ya who's in charge here~"
Your E/Cs widened.
"Oh no no please your in charge your in charge! I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"Shhhh~" He cooed as he moved closer your heartbeat skipped beats.
"Your the dominant one cuppy come on it was just a joke i-"
"B-but you don't ha-"
He pulled one out of his pocket....this was his plan all along?
"Guess It woiked out ha?"
He asked his accent on worked made you blush deeper it was his plan you in a towel just made it easier.
You backed off with one hand but that didn't stop the cup especially when you bumped into the couch.
You looked back then forward at the cup again.
"Cuppy please..I'm sorry I should have known not to make a joke out of who the dominant one was i-" You begged
"You just don't want to admit ya want dis eitha"
You did..but you wanted to play hard to get..
You looked for an escape bit there was none..unless.
"Don't you dare!"
You gulped but scrambled to your feet and bolted for your room.
The cup coo warned as he ran after you when you got to your room you went to shut the door.
"Baby no!"
He managed to catch the door before it shut causing you to stammer back onto the floor again from the force.
The cup approached now with eyebrows down.
"Playin hard ta get didn't woik Ha?"
You hung your head submissively but the cup wasn't having it he scooped you up and threw you on your bed gently.
He climbed up you went on your hands and knees to get away but he grabbed your legs gently and pulled you back.
"Grrrr" He grumbled you turned back over and scooted your body backwards with a hand and your legs as the other hand held the towel up.
The cup threw his yellow gloves off and his clothes off.
"Ya know ya really shouldn't upset ya alpha baby"
You hung your head.
He huffed and grabbed the towel..he let go of the towel as he took it off of you exposing you to him.
"Turn ovah"
You in? hadn't done that side before!..
"B-but cuppy we-"
"I'll be gentle if ya turn ovah..Turn Ovah.."
You gulped and submissively nodded doing as you were told you turned over.
The cup grabbed your hips gently
"Bow down"
You nodded and submissively bowed your upper body down causing your lower to be the air..with this he pushed inside your behind.
"Ahhhh!~" this side definitely hurt more it felt like your butt was on fire!.
The cup waited a bit then started to thrust.
Tears fell from your eyes and you hugged your pillow tightly.
"This will teach ya not to mess around when it comes ta who ya alpha is!"
You nodded
The pain in your behind over time became less painful but unlike the other side it still hurt!.
You were definitely never joking about his dominance after this!.
Your bed creaked the slightest as he kept his word and was being gentle.
He however started to grunt and groan
"Agh~ gh~ damn it~ here it comes!~" you realised why when you felt warmth back there you also realised he didn't need to necessarily put protection on back there as that side couldn't get you pregnant so his.....was inside you.... you blushed deeply and stayed hidden in the pillow.
He pulled back then forth a bit to make sure he had it all out then moved back and put the protection on..
Wait what? You were going to do both sides?!.
"Baby turn ovah again"
You whined submissively but did again as you were told you butt hurt so much! When you sat down you whinced.
"Good thank you"
"B-both? S-sides?"
He grinned.
"Uhuh both sides"
He whiped your tears away however with a worried glance.
"Please don't disobey me and make me have to do dat side again though..I don't like hurtin ya..or seein ya cry.."
You nodded and leant in rubbing your cheek against his before moving back.
"I-i won't.. not after that.."
He smiled and kissed you.
"Now let's try and give ya more pleasah then pain ha?"
He grinned and grabbed your hips pulling your waist closer to his before finding your entrance and pushing himself in.
You moaned a little.. this was better..this hurt alot less.. the cup again waited then began to thrust only causing you both to moan and groan.
"Easy baby easy~"
The cup sped up and now your bed began to creak.
"Spread em"

You did as you were told..bending and spreading your legs apart so he could get better access.
His hands stayed on your hips so the thrusts went in deep

"Ahhhh oh c-cuphead!~"
He chuckled.
"Dats it baby moan!"
"Oh~s-sugar c-cuphead!~ ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~ awhh!~"
The thrusting became very sloppy now and you could hear the cups beige body now plainly wack against yours with each thrust.
You looked up at the ceiling of your cottage as your E/C eyes rolled back a bit but soon rolled back alot when the cup moved to the right your sweet area and went as fast as he could.
You a pencil....
"C-cuppy-there-there-please awh awh awh Awh Cuppy-cuppy!~"
"Music to my ears baby~"
"Cuppy-cuppy i-i-i-ah ah ah ah ohhhh cuppyy!~"
Something was building up and now just like your first time it felt like heaven on earth.
"Oh baby!~ cmon nearly dhere so close cmon baby cmon so c-c-close!"
"Cuppy-cuppy C-cuppy!~ cuppy!~ohhhh Cuppy~ please~please oh yeah-yeah-cuppyyyy!!~"
"Holy Toledo babyyyy!!~"
Warmth entered your lower.
You let go with one more thrust too.
You both panted heavily but the cup had enough energy to evily smirk at you and chuckle.
"You were a moanin mess baby..did i break ya or somethin?"
You looked away feafull to answer he smirked widely.
"Neat~ at least that will make it hardah for ya to disobey me~"
He put a hand to your chin to make you look at him in the eyes.
"Ya gonna be da star of my dreams ya know~"
You nuzzled into his touch a bit.
"I reckon we get cleaned up and have a rest ha?"
You nodded alot.
"Ha what was that?"
"Y-yes c-cuphead"
He grinned and kissed your lips with his gently and not for long as you were both out of enough breath as it was.
The cup thrusted a few more times then pulled out of your body.
You whined but the cup pulled you up to sit up.
"You go get changed in da bathroom I'll fix up da bed and do da same"
"O-okay cuppy"
He nodded and took the protection off he got changed and left but came back within a few minutes, helping you off the bed your legs wobbled alot and nearly caved in.
"Actually baby i'll help ya get changed"
The cup carried your naked body to the bathroom and helped you change into clean clothes then carried you back to the bedroom and sat you on the floor as he removed the dirty sheets off the bed and put new ones on.
Leaving to put the dirty ones in the laundry of your home he walked over to you and lifted you into bed where you both snuggled up together still a panting mess until your hearts calmed down and your bodies both rested for a few hours after this but wouldn't have had it any other way

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