A Bad Case Of The Hiccups

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Requested by Sandrastar1


You and the two cup brothers were at the barn 'club'..mugman was on stage with his puppet while you were keeping and eye on cuphead.
The brothers didn't mind your special gift if anything they thought it was in their words
"Really cool!"
But cuphead had been drinking alot.
He was talking to a few animals such as an elephant,cat and tiger who were also having drinks.
However you noticed the cup start to hiccup.
"*hic* and that's when *hic* I says *hic* I ain't to worried about it!"
You had to stop this otherwise he was going to be sick...
So you walked over
"Hey cuphead?"
"Y/N *hic* Bayybeee *hic*"
You blushed lightly when he called you baby.
"Can we talk?"
"Sure...*hic*.. give us a *hic* minute will ya's?"
The other animals got up and left
"What *hic* can I do for ya?*hic*"
"You can stop drinking...your hiccuping alot.."
"Eh *hic* so? I ain't to-*hic*-"
"Worried about it I know but I am can you please just cut back on the drinking?"
"Aww *hic* I'm touched that you *hic* care *hic* but there just *hic* temporary I betcha you could *hic* make em go away"
"I know ways that could help them go away.."
"For starters"
You walked over to the 'bar' and got him a glass of water walking back over to him at the table.
"Try this instead"
"Water? *hic* Elch"
"You can't be grossed out by water it has no taste come on drink."
He huffed but took the glass and gulped it back.
"There*hic*happy? It didn't work!"
You waited a few seconds to see if he was right.
"*hic*...well? Any other *hic* ideas?.."
you could scare them out of him but telling him you were going to do so would probably make him on edge and less easy to scare..
"Y/N~*hic* Baaybee~"
"Any other ideas?"
You walked off without a second word..
Eventually the animals walked back over and started talking to him again but you grinned ear to ear knowing the best way to scare him was by surprise..
You hid behind the curtains and within seconds you had transformed stalking against the red curtains behind the cup almost perfectly camoflagued.
It wasn't like they would see you anyway with how drunk they all were.
You lowered down bringing your claws close.
Soon you were directly behind the cup and quietly rose from the floor spreading your claws to look more intimidating you roared it scared...all of them...apart from cuphead....you were suprised when he turned around with a grin (Like top image).
"Nice *hic* try *hic* Y/N"
He patted your snout.
You just pulled away with a snort and stopped off.
"Don't *hic* take it *hic* personally!"
Why did he pat your snout?
How was he not afraid of you?
You didn't care.. you kept trying whether you jumped on the table and roared in his face or even scared him from behind again.
His hiccups remained.
You were about to give up when you had the best idea of all.
When the animals had enough for the night left and cuphead was distracted waving them goodbye you dove under the table and touched his foot with a claw.
Before he looked under the table you got out from under it.
Blowing some cold air in his face made him look back by this time however you were already back under the table only to do a repeat of touching his leg this time.
This was it.
He looked under and you left standing still next to him as silent as the wind. when he looked up he jumped.
"Gah! Holy Toledo Y/N! ya scared the soul outta me! Wh-heeeey! It worked my hiccups are gone!"
Transforming back you grinned a little.
"I told you I know ways that can help"
"Yeah yeah don't rub it in...ya want a drink?"
"Umm no thanks I'll pass"
"Eh your loss"
He went to drink the drink he had but you took it.
"Hey what's the big deal~!"
"No more drinking for you"
"Nawwww but Y/N~ Bayybeee cmon~ just one more?"
"Nope you've had enough for one night"
"Party property!~"
"You'll thank me later"
"Hey Y/N can we get your help over here?" Someone called.
You looked over it was a small rhino.
Cuphead stole the drink and bolted laughing.
"Catch me if ya can Y/N~!"

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