holding your baby for the first time (requested)

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Jennie was in awe as she stood beside your hospital bed.

Gazing at the little girl curled up on your chest who was only minutes old, she couldn't seem to look at anything else.

It all feels so surreal to her as she looks at your precious daughter through the tears of happiness and love in her eyes.

You and Jennie have been waiting to start a family together and nine months ago, it all came true.

But tonight, now that your daughter has entered the world, it feels real whereas before it almost seemed too good to be true.

She slipped her phone back into her pocket.

She'd had it out to capture some pictures and videos after she finally entered the world so you could both look back on these moments.

Her lock screen was already changed to a picture of you and the baby and she'd sent pictures to the girls and her mom already, unable to wait even a minute longer to share her joy with them.

She wiped her cheeks and brushed her fingers across the baby's back softly, sniffling as the biggest smile pulled at her lips.

"You're the cutest baby I've ever seen." She spoke. "Just look at how precious you are."

You looked at Jennie with a look of love in your eyes, swearing that your world was officially complete now that you have your girls.


"Yeah, baby?"

"Do you want to hold her?"

Jennie smiled as she looked at the baby.

"More than anything."

You scooted over and Jennie climbed into bed with you and when she was curled up beside you, you carefully placed the baby in her arms.

Her breath hitched at first as she, for the very first time, felt the baby in her arms.

She was so small.

She had little ears, the cutest little nose, and Jennie especially couldn't get over how tiny her fingers were.

"My precious baby girl." Jennie smiled. "I've been waiting to meet you. The day we found out we were expecting you, I got so excited and started to count down the days until you arrived today."

You put your head on her shoulder and watched her talk to your little girl.

"You are my entire world. I promise to always support you and keep you safe." Jennie promised before kissing her head softly.

She made sure the baby blanket was covering her to keep her warm.

"We don't want you to get cold, do we?" Jennie smiled. "You and your mom are the best things to ever happen to me. I love you so much already. I have from day one."

You watched Jennie take ahold of the baby's hand and her little fingers wrapped around Jennie's much bigger index finger.

"Oh, hello." Jennie smiled as the baby opened her eyes. "You're holding my finger, aren't you? Are you holding Mommy's finger?"

You reached for your phone and snapped a couple of pictures as well as a video of her cooing to your daughter.

"I will love you unconditionally for the rest of my life. I will always put you and your mom first. But most of all, even with all the craziness that comes with my job, I will always protect you. You're my everything, baby."

"She already adores you." You told Jennie. "You're going to be the best mom ever."

"So are you." She smiled. "I love you, Y/N. Thank you for everything. For keeping her safe these last few months and for bringing her into the world. You're both my whole entire world and I love you more than anything."

"We love you too." You said, kissing her lips. "And thank you for staying by my side through it all."

"It was amazing seeing her come into the world. I'll never forget it and I'll never leave your side." She said as she looked at you adoringly. "We should have more."

"Okay, eventually." You giggled. "For now, we have the most beautiful daughter ever. Let's focus on her for a while."

"Fine with me." She said as you both stared back at your daughter again, knowing that she was the best thing to ever happen to the two of you and that you'd love her forever.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now