you get in an accident when on the phone with her (requested)

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"Hey, baby!" Jennie cheerfully said as you answered her call. "What are you up to?"

"I just got off of work." You said with a sigh. "I did not have a good day at all and I was so desperate to hear your voice, I couldn't wait any longer to talk to you."

To keep yourself safe while talking to Jennie as you drove home, you put your phone on the stand that was on the dashboard and put her on speakerphone.

"I wish you were here, Jen. I really miss you." You said as you pulled out of the parking lot.

"I know, baby. I miss you too. It won't be too much longer, just a couple more months."

That felt like forever to you.

"Baby? Are you still there?" She asked when she only heard silence in response for a few seconds.

"Yeah, I'm still here." You said as you fought back tears. "I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed after today, that's all. I wish I was going home to you instead of an empty house."

"I know, baby. I wish I could be there with you." She spoke. "Come on, let's not be too down. Tell me about what you're going to do for the rest of the evening."

You kept your eyes on the road, not even once looking at your phone.

Despite talking to Jennie as you drove, you were still being a good and careful driver.

However, that couldn't be said for others on the road.

"I think I might take a shower and watch some Netflix." You replied.

"That sounds nice." She said. "What are you planning to watch?"

She was trying to keep you focused on the evening ahead rather than the day you'd had.

You both thought you'd be able to go home and unwind so you could forget all about your rough day and put it all behind you.

But that's not the way things would end up working out.

As you hit a red light, you and Jennie talked about your plans for the evening and what she's been doing in the place the girls are currently stopped in for the tour.

You watched the light turn green and as you hit the gas to go forward and continue on your way home, someone who was supposed to stop at their red light just kept going.

You noticed the car coming right for yours and although you tried, there was nothing you could do to avoid it smashing into yours.

"The girls and I are so excited about the show tonight. The fans are already coming into the arena, I can hear them. They're so loud!" She grinned.

But her smile faded when she heard you let out a loud scream.

"Y/N? Y/N! Baby, what's going on?"

She heard the sound of brakes squealing and cars smashing together as well as another scream coming from you before it all went silent.

"Y/N? Baby, talk to me? Are you okay!?"

But there was no response from you.

Lisa had been sitting right beside her in the dressing room and she'd seen the way Jennie was panicking.

"What's the matter? Is Y/N okay?" She asked as she began to worry, too.

"I don't think so. She was screaming and there was a loud crash and brakes squealing... I think she was in an accident!"

Tears filled her eyes as she continued to say your name, desperate for you to answer.

"Baby, please answer me! Hello? Anyone!" She cried as she sank to the floor as the girls began to comfort her.

With her phone clutched in her hand and sobs leaving her lips, she continued to plea for you to say something to let her know that you were alright.

But she didn't hear you say anything.

Not a word.

Not a sound.

There was nothing.

And she couldn't help but wonder if you hadn't made it.

All she could think was that she'd lost you.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now